June 2022

Sunday - Jr. High High

LESSON #1 TITLE: Enter Destination

OVERVIEW: Jacob’s life had direction – but it was the wrong direction. Jacob was a scoundrel. He had convinced his brother Esau to sell his birthright for a meal. He had deceived his father in order to get a blessing that was in-tended for Esau. Now Esau is ready to kill his brother and Jacob is on the run for his life. It’s there that God shows up to let this scoundrel know that he has a plan and a grand purpose for his life. And the life of Jacob was never the same.

LESSON #2 TITLE: Acquiring Satellite

OVERVIEW: Solomon was very young when he became the king of Israel after his father David’s death. The task of leading this great nation was an overwhelming one. So when God appeared to Solomon in a dream and offered him anything he desired, Solomon asked for wisdom to lead and govern God’s people well.

LESSON #3 TITLE: Recalculating

OVERVIEW: Samuel had anointed Saul the first king over Israel. For a little while, Saul stayed on God's course. But when it came time to go to war with the Amalekites, Saul disobeyed the Lord's instructions. Even when confronted by Samuel about his disobedience, Saul saw nothing wrong with his actions. Saul offered to give sacrifices to the Lord, but Samuel reminded him (and us) that God desires our obedience rather than sacrifices.

LESSON #4 TITLE: Take Next Exit

OVERVIEW: The story of Jonah is one of second chances. When God told Jonah to deliver a message to Ninevah about their wickedness, Jonah ran the other way. His disobedience landed him right in the belly of a big fish. When Jonah repented, God gave him a second chance. This time, Jonah obeyed. And when Jonah delivered the Lord’s message to Ninevah, the people repented. And God gave them a second chance.

Wednesday - Faro Youth


Our youth will learn how to grow in their relationship with God this summer no matter what they face. Our youth will learn that decisions they make today shape who they will become tomorrow.

Bible: John 10:10 (NLT)