Farnaz Adib Yaghmaie

Assistant Professor at Linköping University


I received my bachelor and master's degrees from K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran in 2009 and 2011. In 2013, I joined Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore as a Ph.D. Student and I received my Ph.D. degree with the "Best Thesis award" in 2017. Currently, I am an assistant professor at Linkoping University.

I am passionate about Reinforcement Learning and Control theory. I would like to explore these two fields and find their connection.


  • 2022-Jan: I started as Assistant Professor at Linköping University! So excited for this role! See my website here,

  • 2021-Apr: The second day of Reinforcement Learning workshop is on 6 April. Try some of the simplest RL algorithms in your browsers now!

  • 2021-Mar: You can now go through our simple handout about Reinforcement Learning entitled "A Crash Course on RL" on Arxiv: short, easy to read and comprehensive!

  • 2021-Mar: The first day of Reinforcement Learning workshop is on 13 March.

  • 2021-Jan: Check out the webpage for a Crash Course on RL!

  • 2021-Jan: I will have a workshop on RL for control at LiU, Linköping, Sweden in March. More details coming soon!

  • 2020-Nov: Checkout my Github page for a crash course on RL. Find out how to implement RL for problems with continuous and discrete action spaces

  • 2020-Sep: I received a CENIIT grant!