About Us

We are no longer operational, FVK closed down operations on Monday 31 August 2020.

This page was last updated on Monday 31st August 2020.

We are a group of volunteers from the town and district council, White Horse Medical Practice, Faringdon Churches Together and many others.

Feel free to contact your local town councillors to check the validity of this group.

The purpose of this group is not only to share information to the residents of Faringdon but also to recruit and mobilise a team of volunteers who can oversee the response to ensure that our most isolated and vulnerable residents are safe and supported over the coming months as we respond to the effects of the new coronavirus.

Of course, not everyone is on social media, so we will be working to ensure that everyone receives the same response and support, this has been done through leaflet distribution that you may have seen in operation elsewhere.

Please be patient with us, and understand that we, like you, are dealing with an ever changing situation. We have an online sign up form to volunteer your time and skills in a controlled way that takes into account safeguarding measures including DBS checks.

At the moment the most important message to convey is that if you or a family member are feeling ill with coronavirus symptoms (fever and/or new continuous cough), self isolate and follow the latest NHS guidance.