Where we are
Jon Greenley Memorial
AMVETS Post #7
1001 1st Avenue South
Fargo, ND 58103
United States Air Force First Lieutenant Greenley was killed in South Vietnam in an air crash. Jon is listed as Killed in Action/Body not recovered. Jon was a member of 774th Troop Carrier Squadron, 463rd Trooper Carrier Wing, 13th Air Force.
The Jon A. Greenley AMVETS Post 7 in Fargo, North Dakota, is named in honor of Lieutenant Greenley. Jon is honored on the Vietnam Memorial Wall 04E056. A memorial stone honoring Lieutenant Greenley is placed in Holy Cross Cemetery.
- To serve our country in peace and in times of war; to build and maintain the welfare of the United States of America toward lasting prosperity and peace for all its inhabitants.
- To encourage, in keeping with policies of our Government, the establishment of a concrete plan to secure permanent international peace and to assist in the maintenance of international peace.
- To inspire in our membership a sense of responsibility, to develop leadership for the preservation of our American democratic way of life and to help unify divergent groups in the overall interest of American democracy.
- To aid in in the fulfillment of the aims, purposes and interests of AMVETS (American Veterans), or parent organization, and to cooperate with all duly recognized veterans organizations in the furtherance of the aims of the American Veteran.
- To train our youth to become purposeful citizens in a democracy with full knowledge of the responsibilities as well as the privileges of citizenship.
- To keep the American public forever reminded that the veteran served to preserve peace, liberty and democracy for our nation.
- To promote the welfare and fellowship of our members and their families. 8. To recognize that the organization known as AMVETS was chartered by Congressional action on July 23, 1947.
AMVETS Officers and Chairs
COMMANDER: Allen Rusch
1st Vice: Barb Danielson
2nd Vice: Robert Kozenskie
Finance: Steve Langstaff
Adjutant: Danny Montana
Provost: Ed Kania
Judge Advocate: Gary Himmerich
Provost Marshal: Ed Kania
Chaplain: Vince Dick
Quartermaster: Rick Olek
Public Relations Officer: Mark Wagemann
Membership Application