Turkish Airlines Cancellation Policy

How to cancel Turkish Airlines flight

Turkish airlines are a well-known airline because they give their passengers a good quality facility, and passengers have trusted this airline. While planning a trip, there are certain situations when the passenger wants to get information about the flight and other queries related to canceling the flight. The Turkish flight airlines provide you with this facility. This airline also gives you an option to make changes in your bookings. Here, you can understand the Turkish airline's cancellation policy which will help you cancel the flight and get an easy refund if you are eligible for it. The important thing is that the passenger can make a request online only.

As per Turkish Airline's cancellation policy

  • If you make a booking with the official website of airlines or an official mobile app and you are canceling your flight after 24 hours of booking, you don't have to pay any charges on it.

  • If the passenger crosses the limit of 24 hours, they will have to pay some additional charges.

  • The passenger can also cancel his flight before 4 hours of departure then in that case, the passenger will have to pay some charges.

  • In case if the passenger belongs to the category of Turkish vacation booking, then they will have to fill up the Turkish vacations refund form.

  • If the passenger booked the ticket of economy class then and they want to cancel a flight after 24 hours of booking, then they wouldn't get anything in return.

With the help of the points as mentioned earlier, the passenger can easily understand the Turkish airline's cancelation policy still. Suppose the passenger has any quire about the flight cancellation. In that case, they will have to visit the official website of Turkish airlines and get the effective and instant results from the official representatives through online mode.