Sunwing Airlines cancellation policy

How can I cancel my Sunwing Airlines booking?

No one wants to embrace flight cancellation with open arms considering the cancellation fees, length process, etc. But if you have booked the flight ticket with Sunwing Airlines, you can get maximum flexibility on the flight cancellation. Moreover, you can waive the cancellation charges as well.

If you want to cancel your booking with Sunwing, visit the airline's official website and make the cancellation. But before that, you must know the Sunwing Airlines cancellation policy for free cancellation. Also, you can contact the airline's customer support while canceling the ticket online.

Important cancellation policies at Sunwing Airlines

  • When you cancel the flight within 24 hours of booking, the airline allows free cancellation of the flight having 162 hours duration between booking and departure date.

  • Cancellation made in the first 24 hours can provide a refund on both refundable and non-refundable tickets.

  • The airline charges an average fee of $250 depending on your ticket type when you miss the risk-free cancellation period.

  • You can cancel the Sunwing flight on the same platform where you purchased the ticket.

What is the process to cancel a flight at Sunwing Airlines?

To make an online cancellation with Sunwing Airlines, you need to follow the steps below:

  • Open the homepage of the airlines to see the Manage Booking tab.

  • Enter the flight number and name given on the Sunwing itinerary.

  • On the next page, select the ticket you want to cancel.

  • Scroll to the bottom and click on the Cancel Flight button.

  • Follow the on-screen instructions and proceed to pay the cancellation charges.

  • Read the cancellation policies thoroughly before confirming the cancellation.

  • Once done, the airline sends you a confirmation email of the cancellation in the registered email.

So, you can easily cancel the Sunwing flight using the steps above. Ensure to keep all the policies in mind to avoid paying extra fees. If you have any questions regarding Sunwing Airlines cancellation policy, contact customer support using the hotline number. The customer executive also helps you with the flight cancellation on call. Now, you can cancel your flight easily and rebook the Sunwing flight whenever you are comfortable.