I don't know if I'm allowed to add links to the play store, but the app name is "fo2.exe" and for this to work you only need to copy paste the installation folder of your original fallout games to your device and then add the path in the app.

Androids, also called synthetic humanoids or synths, are synthetic organisms designed to look and behave like humans. They are equipped with strong AI to make the act all the more convincing; however, this usually leads to androids becoming self-aware and realizing consciousness. Androids are solely a post-war invention, with the Institute in the Commonwealth being the only known producer of androids.

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Androids created by the Institute have no rights, are viewed as nothing more than machines and are often simply used as slaves.[1] Any android that attempts to escape is hunted down by the Synth Retention Bureau, a special branch of the Commonwealth Police, to be decommissioned or captured if possible.[2][3] The Railroad is a special network that works counter to the Synth Retention Bureau, arranging for escaped androids to receive plastic surgery and new memories.[4] Around 2277, a number of holotapes containing rumors of an escaped android circulated around technological, medical, slaver and sympathizer rings in the Capital Wasteland and caused quite a stir.[5][6][7] However, after the rumors had yet to reveal anything legitimate that could verify their authenticity, the once-curious wasteland denizens were quick to consider the whole thing a hoax.[8][9] Still, those from the Commonwealth know better.

According to Dr. Zimmer, androids produced by the Institute have synthetic skin and blood, and are programmed to simulate human behaviors, such as speaking and breathing and can even eat and digest food realistically.[10] However, these characteristics can be altered with the right know-how: the fake skin is so similar to human flesh that it can be altered by a skilled surgeon with a lipoplasticator; in addition, a seasoned computer scientist can actually delete the android previous memories using a circuit neuralizer and fabricate entirely new ones.[11][12]

I am currently going through the Replicated Man quest and I received an optional objective to "Discover what Dr. Preston might know about the android." However, whenever I go up to the doctor and talk with him, I am not given a dialogue option to talk about the android. Does anyone know what causes this bug or how I can complete this objective. Secondly, regarding the holotapes. I noticed that once I've collected 4 holotapes, one from each class of person, all of the other holotapes disappear and I am unable to talk with their respective owners about the android. Does anyone know if it's possible to collect all of the 19 Replicated Man holotapes in this game? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!!!

I accidentally completed this one by talking to the guy in the Rivet City lab, then I fast travelled back to the scrapyard to do a side quest, and that woman ran up to me and gave me the android part. So I took it back to Rivet City and doinked the mission.

After talking to Zimmer, you'll be asked to look for more clues on the whereabouts of the missing android. Zimmer recommends speaking to Dr. Preston who can be found in the clinic just above the Science Lab, discuss the android with him and he'll give you a holotape. Head to the Upper Deck and break into Sister's hotel room and you'll find another holotape. Now head down to the Midship Deck and enter the Saint Monica's Church, on the podium you can find another holotape. There's also a holotape called A free man... a new man... in Tulip's shop in Underworld, this tape will tell you everything you need to know straight away.

After finding three holotapes you'll be approached by a woman called Victoria Watts (you might have to wait a few hours after leaving the church). Victoria is a member of an organisation called the Railroad who are dedicated to helping free android slaves. She'll ask you to tell Dr. Zimmer that the android is dead and she'll give you an android component as proof.

If you decide to give Zimmer the android component the quest will come to an end and you'll receive good Karma and 50 caps. It's highly recommended that you don't take this path, there are 2 other rewards up for grabs that are much more beneficial.

Talk to Pinkerton and he'll reveal that the missing android is the Rivet City security guard, Harkness. Pinkerton gave him facial surgery and gave him a new personality and memories. he also mentions that he didn't wipeout his old memories, he just buried them deep inside his mind. Pinkerton will give you a code that will reactivate his mind when spoken. Look on Pinkerton's terminal to find before and after photos of Harkness' surgery, you can take them as proof. Head back up to Rivet city to confront Harkness about his true identity.

When you talk to Harkness he will deny knowing anything about being an android. Show him the before and after photos to confuse him and finally, say the code given to you by Pinkerton to activate his old memories. He will now remember everything from his past. If you agree to keep this information a secret Harkness will reward you with a unique Plasma Rifle called A3-21's Plasma Rifle. If you head to Dr. Zimmer first and tell him that Harkenss is the android and the activation code, you will be rewarded with the Wired Reflexes Perk.

You can gain both rewards by going to Harkness first and telling him he's an android. Once Harkness has his old memories back, offer to kill Zimmer. Harkness will agree and give you the A3-21's Plasma Rifle to finish him off with, you'll also receive good Karma. Now head to the Science Lab and tell Zimmer about the true identity of the android. You be rewarded with the Wired Reflexes Perk and bad Karma. Now that you have both rewards you can choose to kill Zimmer so that Harkness will be free or you can let him confront Harkness and reset his memories. Shortly after, both Harkness and Zimmer will disappear from the game forever.

Nick Valentine is a fictional character in the post-apocalyptic themed Fallout media franchise. Valentine is first introduced as a non-player character in the 2015 role-playing video game Fallout 4, where he plays an important role in its main plotline by lending his assistance to the search for the abducted son of the game's player character, the sole survivor of a cryogenics-focused facility designed to withstand nuclear fallout built by a technology company known as Vault-Tec. With cracked synthetic skin torn in spots which expose the metallic structures underneath, Valentine is a type of sophisticated biomechanical android characters in Fallout 4 called "Synths". Possessing the preserved memories of a human police detective of the same name, Valentine is a private investigator whose speech and mannerisms echo the archetypal detective protagonist from hardboiled fiction. Valentine's other appearances include Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, a miniatures wargame which adapts the Fallout universe. Valentine is voiced by American voice actor Stephen Russell.

Within series lore, Nick Valentine is a resident of Diamond City, a settlement built from the remains of Boston's Fenway Park. He is a Synth, a term used in the Commonwealth to refer to a type of advanced self-aware android built by an organization of elusive technocrats known as the Institute. Valentine is a rare prototype, made somewhere between overtly mechanical models that occasionally appear in ruined buildings and remote outposts as hostile enemies, and newer models who can pass for human and are rumored to be living amongst the Commonwealth's population.[1] Synths are generally hated and feared throughout the Commonwealth, due to both bigoted attitudes as well as a genuine fear as a result of precedent incidents where human-masquerading robots suddenly murder other people. 006ab0faaa

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