With Sinch Flash Call Verification, phone numbers can be verified with minimal user interaction. A dropped call is placed and the incoming call number acts as the OTP code, just like with SMS. The code is processed automatically on Android for a seamless UX.

By the way, I was curious: I typed "flash drive" and "U disk" into Google Images (in "quotes"), just to see what kind of results I'd get. (That's not a bad way to see if a term means what you think it means. Both searches yielded plenty of pictures of the devices in question; however, "U disk" yielded over one million results, while "flash drive" returned more than 32 million. Such a disparity might suggest that the latter is a more common term, though this is a very unscientific method, and should not be treated as incontrovertible evidence.)

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Disk is a term for a physical item put into a computer that isn't much used any more like a hard or floppy disk or a CD. Or it could be the disk drive that is built into the computer, so using the term USB flash disk would confuse someone from the USA, but the person would probably get that you mean the little stick thing that plugs into a computer and holds files on it.

In India, pen drive is used frequently among common peoples. In the colloquial language its more prevalent. But flash drive is also now coming slowly in to the picture. In India many manufacturers uses this term readily.

The LED flash next to the camera lens on the back of your iPhone or iPad can blink when your device is locked and you receive a notification. This can be useful for anyone who might miss audible alerts.

Now when I click my AJAX enabled link, the controller action is executed, the flash message is set, the controller loads the js.erb view and finally, the javascript to replace the contents of my div with id="flash_messages" is executed. My original view is updated with the flash message and all is right with the world.

I know this question was posted several months ago, but when searching for this exact issue the response always seems to be that you need to send the flash messages via the headers. I wanted to show there is another method. Hopefully this will help my fellow Rails newbies of the future!

@Celsian, thank you this was very helpful.Using flash[:error] however means the flash will linger after a page refresh.flash.now[:error] = "My flash message error." resolves this.Covering the non-AJAX situation also, I went with:

Flash Alert - Call Flash Light on Call SMS is a free-to-use utility from malam. This small and simple flashlight tool reconfigures your phone torch into flashing whenever you receive calls and texts on your device. Having this installed on your device adds an additional notification capability, especially for those who would rather stay in silent mode.

With a small file size and an easy installation process, Flash Alert - Call Flash Light on Call SMS is a nifty tool for people who expect calls and messages and prefer a visual cue. Other apps for your torch include Flashlight or TapTap Flashlight.

Personalize the screen you see when receiving calls on your Android device with the app Call Flash. But that's not all, it also allows you to activate your device's camera flash to turn on intermittently whenever you're receiving a call.

In Call Flash you'll find dozens of different themes that can easily be applied. Just download them -which only takes a few seconds- and tap the 'apply' button. The next time you receive a call, you'll see the animated theme you chose on the screen. It's that easy.

Using the ExternalInterface class, you can call an ActionScript function in the Flash runtime, using JavaScript in the HTML page. The ActionScript function can return a value, and JavaScript receives it immediately as the return value of the call.

Note for Flash Player applications: In Flash Player 10 and later running in a browser, using this class programmatically to open a pop-up window may not be successful. Various browsers (and browser configurations) may block pop-up windows at any time; it is not possible to guarantee any pop-up window will appear. However, for the best chance of success, use this class to open a pop-up window only in code that executes as a direct result of a user action (for example, in an event handler for a mouse click or key-press event.)

From JavaScript on the HTML page, you can:  Call an ActionScript function. Pass arguments using standard function call notation. Return a value to the JavaScript function. 

Indicates whether this player is in a container that offers an external interface. If the external interface is available, this property is true; otherwise, it is false. Note: When using the External API with HTML, always check that the HTML has finished loading before you attempt to call any JavaScript methods.

Registers an ActionScript method as callable from the container. After a successful invocation of addCallBack(), the registered function in the player can be called by JavaScript or ActiveX code in the container. Note: For local content running in a browser, calls to the ExternalInterface.addCallback() method work only if the SWF file and the containing web page are in the local-trusted security sandbox. For more information, see the Flash Player Developer Center Topic: Security.

Calls a function exposed by the SWF container, passing zero or more arguments. If the function is not available, the call returns null; otherwise it returns the value provided by the function. Recursion is not permitted on Opera or Netscape browsers; on these browsers a recursive call produces a null response. (Recursion is supported on Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers.) If the container is an HTML page, this method invokes a JavaScript function in a script element.

Note: For local content running in a browser, calls to the ExternalInterface.call() method are permitted only if the SWF file and the containing web page (if there is one) are in the local-trusted security sandbox. Also, you can prevent a SWF file from using this method by setting the allowNetworking parameter of the object and embed tags in the HTML page that contains the SWF content. For more information, see the Flash Player Developer Center Topic: Security.

Note for Flash Player applications: In Flash Player 10 and Flash Player 9 Update 5, some web browsers restrict this method if a pop-up blocker is enabled. In this scenario, you can only call this method successfully in response to a user event (for example, in an event handler for a mouse click or keypress event).

Lets say that you want to change your device's operating system.For a phone or tablet we would say "today I am flashing cyanogenmod" but for PCs "today I am installing Ubuntu" although flash is used BIOS like "I am flashing an updated BIOS to my laptop". Why is it called flash,it is basically the same thing,replacing the operating system.Is this because phones and tablets use SSD / flash memory.But new computers also have SSDs

First a short explanation about flsh storage:It's called like that, because data stored on it cannot simply be 'updated' instead it would have to be deleted and completely rewritten (c.f. block erasure of flash memory on Wikipedia).The deletion happens by putting a current on all cells, reminding of a camera flash. Thus, the term flashing and flash memory was created.

As far as I know, the term 'flashing' was earlier used for writing ((E)E)PROM chips on which devices store their firmware; depending on the device, there might be an online upgrade function, or one might need to use an actual EEPROM programmer device. (That's also where the term "ROM" comes from, since the chip was effectively read-only after programming it once.)

"Flashing" a medium, refers to the programming or writing to a medium, typically in embedded systems, such as a single-board computer, or a phone. When you flash a phone, you are overwriting the operating system and (usually) most of the firmware (in driver form). This is usually a very specific platform that can only read an OS in one specific form (such as an Android OS by the Android bootloader, which runs the software, and lists the hardware.

To stop all your devices from ringing when you get calls on iPhone, go to Settings > Phone > Calls on Other Devices and turn off Allow Calls on Other Devices.


I would like my house lights to flash (preferable in different colours, depending on the notification) when my phone receives notifications (calls, messages, and so on). Is this possible in Node red?

Do you know what to do if someone is badly injured or suddenly becomes sick? You should. Knowing how to call for help in an emergency can help save a life. Take a few moments to read this information. Share it with your family and friends.

When you call 911, tell the emergency operator where to find you, who is hurt or sick, and what happened. The emergency operator will need to know what condition the victim is in and if any help is being given. They may ask you several additional questions. Answer all of them. Stay calm, speak clearly, and stay on the phone until told to hang up.

This call is built with our Jase Pro Series modified reed system. These reeds will harmonize with the air pressure like our single reed but has the toughness of our double reeds. This call will do everything a Mallard hen does and will do everything a human thinks he should do on a duck call. Quack it, feed it, or hail on it with equal enthusiasm. 006ab0faaa

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