3D Printer Tutorial

FC Key Chain

In this video series, we are simply going to go over how to download a 3D file run it through Prusa slicer, learn some of the tools, and then print it on our3D printers

Step 1 

Program Set Up

In this video series, we are simply going to go over how to download a 3D file run it through Prusa slicer, and then print it on our printers. At the top of the page, you should see a link to download an FC key chain I made click, and install it. Now let's launch Prusa slicer from the desktop and ignore anything it says about updating. If this is your first time using Prusa slicer we are going to have to go through the configuration wizard. You can ignore the first page and hit next you should be presented with a bunch of different 3D printers. The first thing we are going to do is unselect the mini and right under that you should see a printer named Prusa i3 mk3 to select this one we are going to hit 4mm and finish. This is our build Plate 

Step 2 

Importing and Basic Tools

Okay, we have our workspace set up and the model downloaded time to add our mode to the build plate and go through some basic tools. On the top left bar, you will see a box with a small plus on it click that now click on downloads select FC Keychain, and hit open. Alright before we get to printing let's go over the tools we have on the left-hand side the move tool allows you to of course move the model along the x, y, and, z axes. The scaling tool allows you to change the width height and length of your model. The rotate tool is used to rotate the model. The place-on-face tool allows you to choose any face of your model and place that on the bottom of plate. The measure tool is used for checking the dimensions and angles of your part. Play arround with these tools until you feel comfortable using them, feel free to pause the video. OK Now click Control Z until our model is back to its original size and position. 






Step 3 

Prepare the 3D Model for Printing

Let's focus on the right half of the slicing software here you are going to see the layer height. What type of filament you are using, the printer model, the option for supports, and the dimensions of the model. I want you to click supports and then hit everywhere, this is going to add supports to the printer everywhere it needs. Now In the way bottom left click slice now. It is going to slice our 3D model up into tons of little layers that our 3D printers can understand. Now you should see a view of the part with all the little layer indentations on it. On the right you should see a little slider that is going to show us every layer our printer is going to do, I want to make this key chain two colors so let's grab that slider at the top bring it to about halfway, and click the little orange plus. All that's doing is telling the printer to stop when it gets to that point. Lastly, we are going to download the g code of the model onto an SD card. All you need to do is go grab an SD card from a 3D printer that is not in use and place it into the little slot in the front of your PC. Hit export g code navigate to the SD card type your First and Last name and hit save. Eject the SD card and now it's time to go to the printers. Great job we are done with the software side of things, let's go out to the fab lab

Step 4 

Start the 3D printer

All right time to print let's start by choosing an appropriate printer, if somebody is already printing on a printer obviously do not touch or stop it  To avoid having to change the filament choose a printer that has a color you want to use.  If you want to change the color press the LCD knob and scroll down to unload the filament select the material in most cases it will be PLA wait for it to heat up and follow the instructions on the LCD. Once the material is out wait a couple of seconds and insert the new filament and follow the on-screen instructions. Now look at the build plate if it is full of glue and residue go out to the shop sink and clean it with warm water, and soap, and make sure it's dry. Place the build plate onto the magnetic bed straight and now it's finally time to start printing. Insert your SD card into the side and scroll until you see your file then click it now all you have to do is wait and your printer should start going Great job, you know the basics of 3D printing! 




you now know how to use Prusa slicer and how to start the 3D Printers. If you ever run into an issue come back to the videos and review them.

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