fall 2021 Strategic planning Workshops


Thank you for participating in our Fall 2021 Strategic Planning Workshops!

Facilitators: Please click the link below to access your Breakout Group's notes page.

Breakout Groups Session 1 Questions:

  • In light of mission, vision, and values, what are our strengths as a college?

  • How do we want students to experience our college, ideally?

  • Based on your experience at the College, what are our biggest challenges that are internal to our college or district?

  • How can we use our strengths as a college to address some of our challenges/areas for growth?

Breakout Groups Session 2 Questions:

  • What outcomes would we like to see for our students?

  • What external factors will most impact the College over the next 6 years?

  • In light of the outcomes and external factors we have discussed, what opportunities do we have for furthering our mission, vision, and values?