PTA Membership

You can join the PTA by registering on Givebacks.

If you have any questions, you can contact the VP of Membership, Katie Burnley at

What does becoming a PTA member mean?

For just $15 a year, per family, you will be supporting your student(s) and our elementary school. There is no other commitment required.

As a member you receive access to our Digital Directory,  located on Directory Spot. You will be able to access the Digital Directory on an app on your phone, or via the site. 

Having access to the school directory is essential to planning play dates, birthday parties, and connecting with other Fairmount families!

What does the PTA do?

The PTA works with school faculty, teachers, and parents to provide programs and events that enrich the educational experience of our children. The programs and events develop your child’s social, emotional, and academic development at Fairmount School. They are all fully funded through the efforts and support of PTA volunteers. 

Parent involvement has been the key to a successful PTA at Fairmount. 

Check out our committees and our volunteer opportunities to see how you may be able to contribute.

The PTA provides support for:

Field Trips

Art Appreciation

Student Assemblies

Classroom Parties

Fun Lunch 

Teacher and Staff Appreciation

Teacher Grants

Social Events