



Mohammed Al Gadhi 


Has over 25 years of experience in the insurance industry across sales, technical, operations, and designing insurance products. Certified insurance instructor with multiple training institutes, including The Financial Academy. Participant and speaker in conferences internally and globally.



Dalal Alghanem

Dalal Al Ghanim is an assistant professor at King Saud University (KSU) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. She teaches in the Actuarial and Financial Mathematics Bachelor's degree Program.

Dalal holds a Ph.D. in Financial Mathematics from The University of Manchester, 2020. Her research topic was: "Optimal control of taxation for spectrally negative Levy processes". Additionally, she holds two master's degrees, one from The University of Manchester in Financial Mathematics and another from King Saud University in Functional Analysis. 

Dalal is a member of the Financial and Actuarial Studies Research Chair (FASRC) at King Saud University. She is also the representative of KSU at the Society of Actuaries (SOA), United States.



Asrar Alyafie

Asrar Alyafie is a Ph.D. student in the Institute for Financial and Actuarial Mathematics in the Department of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Liverpool and a lecturer at the University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Her Ph.D. research topic is “Fair Pricing of Insurance for Women Drivers in Saudi Arabia.”  Additionally, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Statistics from the King Abdulaziz University and a Master’s in Financial Mathematics from The University of New South Wales.



Ashwaq Al-zahrani

Ashwag Alzhrani, the first Saudi female with a fellowship designation and a chartered enterprise risk management professional, holds a master's degree in Actuarial Science from Concordia University, Canada. During her tenure as a research assistant at Concordia, Ashwag specialised in pension and risk management, with a commitment to advancing these fields.

Her dedication to education is evident through her role as a teaching assistant, where she provided valuable support to students in mathematics and actuarial science. Ashwag further enriched her professional journey at Canadian General Dynamics, where she gained substantial financial and accounting expertise.

In the realm of local insurance, Ashwag contributed significantly to the third-largest insurance company in the Kingdom, serving as a reserving manager for over two years. In healthcare transformation, she played a pivotal role as a subject matter expert in modelling and developing strategies related to payment mechanisms.

Ashwag's impact extends beyond her individual achievements, as she actively serves as a member of various working groups spanning different industries. Her multifaceted experiences underscore her versatility and commitment to making a meaningful contribution to the fields of actuarial science, risk management, and healthcare transformation.



Alfredo D. Egídio dos Reis

Alfredo D. Egidio dos Reis holds a degree on Management (1980), a MSc in Applied Mathematics to Economics and Management (1988) both from ISEG (Lisbon School of Economics & Management, Technical University of Lisbon) and a PhD in Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics (1994) from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (UK). He holds a “Habilitation” in Mathematics (2002) and another in Management (2011), both from ISEG. He is now Professor of Finance at ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa, researcher at CEMAPRE (Centre for Applied Mathematics to Forecasting and Economic Decision) and co-editor of the European Actuarial Journal. He is a fellow of the Portuguese Institute of Actuaries, Portuguese Mathematical Society and of the Order of Economists. Recently, Alfredo has been teaching Quantitative Finance, Risk Theory and Insurance Ratemaking, at ISEG ULisboa, Air Force Academy and FCT Nova. Alfredo’s research interests include different topics of Actuarial Science and Risk Theory, such as Ruin Theory, Credibility, Ratemaking, Pensions. His main research has been published in the ASTIN Bulletin, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Scandinavian Actuarial Journal and European Actuarial Journal. At present, Alfredo is the director of the Master in Actuarial Science at ISEG.



Irene Serewicz Redman

Irene Serewicz Redman is Head of Middle East and Africa Markets Development at the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) and responsible for growing IFoA relationships with key stakeholders across the Middle East and Africa focusing on enhancing value for IFoA members, advancing the IFoA and the wider actuarial profession.  Stakeholders include employers, higher education institutions, regulators, local and national government, and national actuarial societies (where they exist).  She is a passionate about building strong relationships and highlighting the value that actuarial add.



José Luis Vilar Zanón

I am a mathematician with a PhD in Actuarial Science, currently working as an associate professor in the Department of Actuarial and Financial Economics & Statistics at Universidad Complutense of Madrid (UCM), where I also serve as Deputy Director. As a lecturer, I have taught courses in Actuarial Mathematics (both life and non-life), Financial Mathematics, Informatics, Numerical Calculus, and Simulation at the Master's degree level in Actuarial and Financial Sciences. Additionally, I teach Mathematics in the Business Administration Bachelor program, both at UCM.

My research interests lie in the field of Risk in Insurance and Finance, and I have published papers in prestigious journals such as IME, ASTIN, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance (Theory), Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, European Actuarial Journal, European Journal of Operations Research, TOP, Decisions in Economics and Finance, Risks, among others. I have led research projects funded by the Spanish government and private entities, and I have also managed research and consultancy contracts with private companies in the insurance sector.

Furthermore, I have engaged in entrepreneurial activities, including participating in the founding of a startup that has since evolved into a business focused on online returns. Outside of my professional work, I am interested in History and Natural Sciences, and I enjoy reading and trekking the mountains year-round.