I am trying to create my cluster using bootstrap actions option (which install boto3 on all nodes), but getting always Master instance failed attempting to download bootstrap action 1 file from S3

The service role for Amazon EC2 instances on the cluster (also called the EC2 instance profile for Amazon EMR) doesn't have permissions to access the Amazon S3 bucket where the bootstrap action script resides. For more information about service roles, see Service role for cluster EC2 instances (EC2 instance profile).

Failed Attempting To Download Bootstrap Action 2 File From S3

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To troubleshoot the failed EMR cluster, refer to the ErrorDetail information returned from the DescribeCluster and ListClusters APIs. For more information, see Error codes with ErrorDetail information. The ErrorData array within ErrorDetail returns the following information for this error code:

Start by checking the bootstrap action logs for errors or unexpected configuration changes during the launch of the cluster. From there, look in the step logs to identify Hadoop jobs launched as part of a step with errors. Examine the Hadoop job logs to identify the failed task attempts. The task attempt log will contain details about what caused a task attempt to fail.

Bootstrap actions run scripts on the cluster as it is launched. They are commonly used to install additional software on the cluster or to alter configuration settings from the default values. Checking these logs may provide insight into errors that occurred during set up of the cluster as well as configuration settings changes that could affect performance.

You can use a bootstrap action to installadditional software or customize the configuration of cluster instances. Bootstrap actions are scripts that run on cluster after Amazon EMR launches the instance using the Amazon Linux Amazon Machine Image (AMI). Bootstrap actions run before Amazon EMR installs the applications that you specify when you create the cluster and before cluster nodes begin processing data. If you add nodes to a running cluster,bootstrap actions also run on those nodes in the same way. You can create custom bootstrap actions andspecify them when you create your cluster.

Most predefined bootstrap actions for Amazon EMR AMI versions 2.x and 3.x are notsupported in Amazon EMR releases 4.x. For example, configure-Hadoop andconfigure-daemons are not supported in Amazon EMR release 4.x.Instead, Amazon EMR release 4.x natively provides this functionality. For moreinformation about how to migrate bootstrap actions from Amazon EMR AMI versions 2.xand 3.x to Amazon EMR release 4.x, go to Customizing cluster and application configuration with earlier AMI versions of Amazon EMR in the Amazon EMR Release Guide.

All Amazon EMR management interfaces support bootstrap actions. You can specify up to 16bootstrap actions per cluster by providing multiple bootstrap-actionsparameters from the console, AWS CLI, or API.

If the bootstrap action returns a nonzero error code, Amazon EMR treats it as a failure andterminates the instance. If too many instances fail their bootstrap actions, then Amazon EMRterminates the cluster. If just a few instances fail, Amazon EMR attempts to reallocate thefailed instances and continue. Use the cluster lastStateChangeReason errorcode to identify failures caused by a bootstrap action.

To use this logic, upload your bootstrap action, including the above code, to your Amazon S3bucket. On the AWS CLI, add the --bootstrap-actions parameter to the aws emrcreate-cluster API call and specify your bootstrap script location as thevalue of Path.

A bootstrap action script can create one or more shutdown actions by writingscripts to the/mnt/var/lib/instance-controller/public/shutdown-actions/directory. When a cluster is terminated, all the scripts in this directory areexecuted in parallel. Each script must run and complete within 60 seconds.

For the best performance, we recommend that you store custom bootstrap actions, scripts, and other files that you want to use with Amazon EMR in an Amazon S3 bucket that is in the same AWS Region as your cluster.

To launch a cluster with a custom bootstrap action, type the following command, replacingmyKey with the name of your EC2 key pair.Include --bootstrap-actions as a parameter and specify yourbootstrap script location as the value of Path.

You can use a bootstrap action to copy objects from Amazon S3 to each node ina cluster before your applications are installed. The AWS CLI is installed on each node of a cluster, so your bootstrap actioncan call AWS CLI commands.

The following example demonstrates a simple bootstrap action script that copies a file, myfile.jar, from Amazon S3 to a local folder, /mnt1/myfolder, on each cluster node. The script is saved to Amazon S3 with the file name copymyfile.sh with the following contents.

I am attempting to create a bootstrap USB on a PA-200. The Palo site provides pretty good procedure documentation, but not much for troubleshooting. I have managed to create the bootstrap.tar.gz file and upload it to a PA-200 running Pan-OS 8.0.3. I have tried 4 different brands/models of USB sticks, but when running the create bootstrap process every one errors out with the following message:

Interestingly I actually realized about a month or two ago after attempting to update our bootstrap files that the same model of Kingston drives that we have always used no-longer functioned correctly. It isn't a big issue for us, so I haven't looked into it at all.

like 105+0100 WARN [qtp285804726-3927] *UNKNOWN org.sonatype.nexus.transaction.RetryController - Exceeded retry limit: 8/8 (org.sonatype.nexus.repository.storage.MissingBlobException: Blob default@46A15F34-56E7B642-D599724F-7F520A59-527F76A3:cfa7b253-56bd-4bbe-81f2-ce06cdeab028 exists in metadata, but is missing from the blobstore) and *UNKNOWN org.sonatype.nexus.extdirect.internal.ExtDirectExceptionHandler - Failed to invoke action method: coreui_Search.read, java-method: org.sonatype.nexus.coreui.SearchComponent.read org.elasticsearch.action.search.SearchPhaseExecutionException: all shards failed. Can

I was logging into client machines as domain user with Enterprise/Domain admin privileges and able to access a shared folder containing MSI installation packages without any problem. Though, at some point tried accessing it via \IP\share_path_to_msi_packages_folder from another non-domain PC and kept getting a login pop-up.Basically, even though one allows all domain and non-domain users/groups or 'Everyone' read/write permissions on shared folder it would still not work and prompt me for username/password thereby not allowing local client to pull down packages pointed by GPO. This is caused by anonymous access disabled by default. After enabling it and giving read/write permissions to MSI folder was then able to successfully deploy majority of packages and only synology-cloud-station-3.1.-3320.msi failed (need to look into it). I was also able to access the shared folder from any non-domain machine.

The HelmRelease API allows for controller-driven reconciliation of Helmreleases via Helm actions such as install, upgrade, test, uninstall, androllback. In addition to this, it detects and corrects cluster state driftfrom the desired release state.

From time to time, a Helm installation, upgrade, or accompanyingHelm testmay fail. When this happens, by default no action is taken, and the release isleft in a failed state. However, several automatic failure remediation optionscan be set via.spec.install.remediation and.spec.upgrade.remediation.

Once the .retries are exhausted, the controller will stop attempting toremediate the failure, and the Helm release will be left in a failed state.To ensure the Helm release is brought back to the last known good state oruninstalled, .remediateLastFailure can be set to true.For Helm upgrades, this defaults to true if at least one retry is configured.

Note that a HelmRelease can bereconciling whilefailing at the same time. For example, due to a new release attempt afterremediating a failed Helm action. When a reconciliation fails, the ReconcilingCondition reason would be ProgressingWithRetry. When the reconciliation isperformed again after the failure, the reason is updated to Progressing.

I also note this is an old thread. However I was having the exact same issues with Horizon View 8.4. It seems the removal of the replica from the initial connection servers Db does not happen with an uninstall. Removing this replica instance from the primary database with vdmadmin -S -r -s command solves the problem and allows the installation of the replica to complete if it failed previously.

After reviewing the article referenced by ThomA I have a few questions before I bollix up my system:

1) The article references several Registry (sub-)keys that should be manually removed. The issue I have is that I have SSMS 2016 successfully installed so I cannot be sure which keys reference the engine only and some that may reference SSMS. Not sure what action to take here.

2) There are folders/subfolders referencing SQL Express 2016 that still exist, not sure if these should be manually removed:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130

 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS13.SQLEXPRESS2016

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.SQLEXPRESS ( Apparently a "Default" instance from the first time I tried to install 2016 )

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.SQLEXPRESS2016 006ab0faaa

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