
Faculty, Teachers, and Educators of all kinds can provide a unique voice in the comment period for these proposed rules. We can share what we have seen and experienced in our classrooms and with our students. And those of us who research or write about gender, civil and human rights, inequality, sexual harassment and similar topics can make a very significant contribution to the commenting process in very little time.

Because Title IX is about protecting and advancing gender equality, and sexual harassment and gender-based violence are inextricably linked with gender inequality, all research relevant to gender inequality is relevant to this proceeding. Therefore, even if you are unsure of whether your (or others') research will be helpful, you can and should submit it to the Department of Education via a comment. The text of your comment can provide a brief statement of why your research is relevant to this proceeding, or to the pro-equality, pro-civil rights spirit of Title IX, then can include your (or others') article(s), book chapter(s), etc., as attachments to your comment.

If you have questions about including your research in your comments or about any other commenting-related matter, please email

If you are ready to write and file your comment, and do not plan to attach any research to it, submit a comment via Hands Off IX (if you already have your comment drafted, search for "First Name" to quickly go to the form to paste in your comment). If you would like to submit a comment with your own (and/or others') research in one or more attachments, please consult the page on how to submit your research as a comment. Finally, if you would like to consult more resources, scroll down for additional resources created by the many organizations encouraging members of the public to participate in this rulemaking.


Ready to write and file your comment?

  • Submit a comment without attachments via Hands Off IX (if you already have your comment drafted, search for "First Name" to quickly go to the form to paste in your comment) or,
  • If you have attachments, here's how to submit research as a comment.

In the News

Ready to write and file your comment?

  • Submit a comment without attachments via Hands Off IX (if you already have your comment drafted, search for "First Name" to quickly go to the form to paste in your comment) or,
  • If you have attachments, here's how to submit research as a comment.