Embedded Tutoring

What is Embedded Tutoring?

With the implementation of Assembly Bill 705 (AB 705), many courses are in need of additional support for students placed at a transfer level (or just below). 

That's where Embedded Tutoring comes in! 

Embedded Tutors are students who have successfully passed your course and provide in-class support to students. Some Embedded Tutors may also have tutoring hours in one of the centers, such as the STEM and Math Learning Center or Writing Center.

What is the role of an Embedded Tutor?

An Embedded Tutor works with students in class during activities to ensure understanding and work through any issues with content.  They provide an intermediary connection to the instructor and course that can be beneficial to student success.  

Some Embedded Tutors have STEM Learning Center or Writing Center hours to help outside of class as well.

How does it work in a course?

Embedded Tutoring works best when the class has active learning activities. During activity times, the tutor is able to interact with students and provide direct support as students work through content material. 

If the in-class learning is focused on direct instruction like lecture, it is not an ideal situation for the Embedded Tutor to be engaging with students as it would be disruptive to the in-class environment. 

What is my role as Instructor?

The classroom environment is controlled by you, the instructor. Embedded Tutoring works best when class time has ample active learning activities that facilitate the tutor interacting with students. 

Introduce and advertise the Embedded Tutor in your course by providing them some time to address your students. 

Involve your Embedded Tutor in classroom discussions and group work. Validate their responses so that students know they are a knowledgeable resource. Encourage students to ask the Embedded Tutor for clarification or alterative ways to view content material. 

Share resources with the Embedded Tutor and keep them abreast of upcoming course topics to cover, especially ones that students have traditionally struggled with.

Add (or request them to be added) to your course CANVAS, Discord, and other course communications.

Embedded Tutoring works best when the Instructor and Embedded Tutor have clear roles. 

Please take a moment to check out our Best Practices Information!

What an Embedded Tutor can do:

What an Embedded Tutor cannot do: