
Monthly Speedrunning Newsletter - April 2024


New World Record!

DerekMacIntyre - 4hr 18m 14s -

After a tremendous run, the 4hr 20m barrier has been smashed wide open by Derek this month, this has been on the cards for a few weeks now as Derek has improved incredibly consistently and really earned his place at the top of the leaderboard!

For the eagle eyed viewer amongst us, you may notice Anti has an interesting time this month, posting a new PB of precisely 4hr 20m 33s 233ms - "but Cobai why the 233ms" I hear you ask, well strap in, as we get into a bit more on that below!

100% - The Milliseconds Matter!

Something rather incredible happened this month in the 100% category, something many thought could never happen!

Due to the complexity of the blueprints involved, and achievements required it's right to assume this category is one of the hardest to complete, so imagine our surprise when the current top two runners, AntiElitz & DerekMacIntyre, within 1 day of each other, submit a run that is so close in timing we have to break out the calculators and re-time both runs right down to the frame count!

Derek submitted his run on 02nd April, securing the World Record with a time of: 

4hr 20m 33s

Just 1 day later on 03rd April, AntiElitz would post a new personal best with a time of:

4hr 20m 33s

It's crazy to think over the last couple of years we've gone from chasing down a sub 5hr 30m run, to now having to re-time runs that are not only so close, but also so much faster!

After 12 hours of confirming and checking the videos for each run, the admin team finally updated the leaderboard, and the community, with the highly anticipated outcome as shown to the right, with only 167ms separating the two runs!

Since these runs, Derek has secured a much 'safer' world record as seen above, and AntiElitz is on the hunt once again, trying to reclaim at least one of his stolen World Records back!

Wave Defence

New World Record!

Splee- 48m 06s

Back on it again this month, Splee displays another great run and updated build design for Wave Defence, bringing his own World Record down by nearly another full minute.

I suspect there will be some more tweaks and a few more faster runs to come from this category in the future.

Wave defence is a great stepping stone category, the scenario is shorter than most and you start with bots which makes it incredibly accessible!

The Rest

Month In Review

April is complete and the categories are finalized for this month!

The drama of the 100% category this month was intense, but it's an incredibly well fought over one now with plenty of runners inspired by the battle at the top!

As we move into May, SteelAxe Con 2.0 creeps ever closer now only 2 months away! I'm looking forward to meeting many Factorio speedrunners in person and sharing some epic pictures from the trip in July's' edition of the newsletter 🙂

♥️ Thank you to all who have supported me this month, whether that be via Twitch/Youtube ♥️

If you enjoy this monthly recap and have any ideas or feedback, please leave a comment below or hop into my discord where supporters also get early access to the review every month!