It even allows its users to change their story settings and even hide the story from specific people. Here is the step-by-step guide to hide your story from 0 specific people on Facebook.How to hide your story from specific people on Facebook: Open the Facebook app on your iOS or Android phone.Now set your story, private friends.Then tap on hiding story from.Tap to select the people you'd like to hide your story from.Finally, tap on Done or at the top, then tap on Save.If you've placed someone on your restricted list, they won't be able to see your story.

Note: Any changes that you make to your story privacy settings will apply to any photos and videos currently in your story, in addition to those that you add going forward. You can change these settings at any time.How to change your story privacy settings on Facebook:Open the Facebook app on your iOS or Android phone.Now add a photo or video to share your story.Then your story in the bottom right, click on the audience selector:Public: Your Facebook friends, followers, and people you've chatted with on Messenger will see your stories. Anyone who follows you can see your story, but only people you're friends with can reply.Friends: Only your Facebook friends will see your story on Facebook and in the Messenger app. Your Messenger connections will not see your story.Custom: You can select specific people who will be able to see your stories.

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The data consulting firm Cambridge Analytica, which harvested as many as 87 million Facebook users' personal data, also could have accessed the private inbox messages of some of those affected. Facebook slipped this previously undisclosed detail into the notifications that began appearing at the top of News Feeds on Monday. These alerts let users know whether they or their friends had downloaded a personality quiz app called This Is Your Digital Life, which would have caused their data to be collected and potentially passed on to Cambridge Analytica.

The private money was needed in part because the federal government hadn't provided enough funding. Congress allocated $400 million in March for election services, but that was just a tenth of what some officials said was needed.

While some election officials see little difference between private and government funding for elections, other officials are deeply worried about the precedent that the private grants may set. They say private donors could have a personal agenda. For example, Zuckerberg may have wanted to improve his public image after years of criticism that the misinformation and divisive rhetoric on Facebook have damaged democracies around the world.

"It's really important that it's a one-time thing," said Rachael Cobb, associate professor of political science and legal studies at Suffolk University in Boston. Cobb said the private money was critical for election administration this year, "but over time, it in and of itself is corrosive." She said continuing to use private money for such purposes "sullies [the election] in a way that we don't need it to be sullied at all."

Facebook recently closed a privacy loophole that allowed third parties to discover the names of people in private, "closed" Facebook groups. A Chrome extension that was made specifically for marketers to harvest this information en masse was also shut down prior to Facebook's move, after the social media network issued a cease-and-desist letter to the application's makers earlier this year, according to a spokesperson.

Facebook's decision came after members of a private group for women with a gene mutation associated with a higher risk breast cancer complained, concerned that their names might be exposed and open them to discrimination from insurers or other privacy violations. A spokesperson for Facebook said shutting down the ability to view members of closed groups was a recent decision based on "several factors," but was not related to this group's outreach.

Downing said women who join the BRCA Sisterhood Facebook group are often dealing with private issues that make them feel vulnerable, and social media had offered an inviting way to share their stories intimately with other women experiencing the same concerns. Privacy has always been top-of-mind for the Sisterhood community and other groups and others that cater toward BRCA-positive women, she said, because members post pictures of surgical procedures and share private stories of their experiences managing the health matter.

A small number of users raised concerns after what they mistakenly believed to be private messages appeared on their Timeline. Our engineers investigated these reports and found that the messages were older wall posts that had always been visible on the users' profile pages. Facebook is satisfied that there has been no breach of user privacy.

Quick tip: You have two faster, easier options to make your profile completely private without tweaking individual settings: Deactivating your Facebook account hides most of your information, but leaves you the option to reactivate your profile whenever you want to. You can also delete your Facebook account. It's a more extreme measure since it's permanent, but still the best way to pull your data off the site.

The options we talked about above control your entire Facebook account. But you can also set specific privacy settings for individual posts. This means you can keep your Facebook profile private but make a single post public, and vice versa.

But it's not exactly the same. There is a difference between being able to screenshot a private image from a webpage and being able to easily publicly share the URL of that private image with un-authenticated users.

The hack works even when images and videos in a private Instagram story, which are meant to last for only 24 hours, expire or are deleted. Linking URLs to content from stories seems to be valid for a couple days; links to photos on the feed remain live for potentially even longer. The same is true for stories that have purportedly expired.

That photos and videos explicitly designated as private are so easily accessible and publicly shareable is particularly egregious given Facebook's ongoing privacy missteps. Recall Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's privacy pledge from earlier this year, when he introduced a "privacy-focused vision for social networking" after a 2018 that was plagued by scandals and data mishaps.

Many users have good knowledge about this feature, but some are still confused about how they can make the stories private. You land in the right place if you are also searching for the best technique to make the story private.

To enhance your privacy, it is very important to make your Facebook story private. But, if you are wondering whether you can make it private, the answer is NO. Unfortunately, there is no direct way to make it private.

As we discussed already that there is no direct way to make your story private, and rather you can do is change the custom setting. After setting the story privacy to the custom, the content will be visible to those only whom you allow to see.

You mostly use to share stories that are accessible to the public, but sometimes you want to share them privately in order to maintain your privacy. In this case, you need to make a story private on Facebook.

Finally, you have allowed a limited person to access your MY Day. From now, only the selected person will be able to view them. This setting is applied to all the upcoming contents of the story. And the good thing is that you can enable and disable the person any time you want.

If you have taken a picture using the FB camera and shared it in MyDay, then it is only visible in the story section. The app has no default feature by which the image will be saved on your gallery. To make them available in your gallery, download them before the story vanishes.

Adding a featured photo is a feature of FB that allows you to make a collection of the images that are seen on the profile. Sometimes you need to make them private because of your reasons. You may wonder whether you can make a featured story on Facebook or not. If so, then the direct answer is NO.

In conclusion, there is no availability of technique by which you can set the story to only me. However, you can select one or a few reliable people whom you trust the most, which works as a setting for only me.

Because of errors inserted during editing, the original version of this article contained the mistaken assertion that ICE used private Facebook data to track unauthorized immigrants. The story has been corrected. See below for full correction.

But there is little public disclosure of how ICE uses the Palantir platform to track individuals. The emails obtained by The Intercept show that private Facebook information is yet another data point for agents in pursuit of a suspect.

The agency appears to continue its search for greater technology tools to track and apprehend unauthorized immigrants. Last month, ICE released a request for proposal for a private contractor to provide tools to track target employment data, credit checks, vehicle accident reports, pay day loans, and other data sources. The Department of Homeland Security, meanwhile, has made aggressive new efforts to obtain social media data from those entering and exiting the country.

Correction: March 26, 2018

Due to errors by editor Ryan Grim, this story and its headline originally reported that the investigation referred to in the ICE emails targeted an immigrant. The story as filed did not include those errors, or any others. The documents reported on in the story do not establish that the target of the investigation was an immigrant or that the individual was being pursued for immigration violations. The target of the investigation was, according to the documents, based in the New York metropolitan area, while several of the ICE agents on the emails were based in New Mexico. Additionally, this story has been updated to include a comment from Facebook. 2351a5e196

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