Invited talks

Ana Stulic (Bordeaux Montaigne)

Judeo-Spanish through the lens of Balkan Linguistics and the other way round

Ana Stulic is Professor of Hispanic Linguistics and Dean of Faculty of Modern Languages at Bordeaux Montaigne University. Her research focuses on the history and sociolinguistics of Balkan Judeo-Spanish. Author of several studies about the grammaticalization and lexicalization processes in Judeo-Spanish, she is also interested in its actual conditions of use as well as in ethical questions aroused by the study of an endangered language.

Lumnije Jusufi (HU Berlin) [online]

Albanian-Slavic language contact on dialect level in North Macedonia

Lumnije Jusufi is a habilitated albanologist at the Humboldt University of Berlin, at the Institute for Slavic and Hungarian Studies, in the field of South Slavic Studies. Her research, however, is both geographically and scientifically very broadly Southeast European, interdisciplinary and sociolinguistic. In addition to dialectology and dialect sociology, she is also involved in areal linguistics and communication spaces, language contact research, border studies, linguistic migration research and consumer research, as well as traditional linguistic fields such as philology, phonology, morphology and language didactics. She is a fellow of several German funding institutions, such as DFG, BMBF and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. She is the author of several monographs, edited volumes and an Albanian textbook, author of numerous articles and organizer of several conferences. In the area of teaching, she has been mainly based at the LMU and HU. But via guest lectureships and Erasmus+ stays, she has also taught at several Albanian-speaking universities in Southeastern Europe. With a research fellowship from the Humboldt Foundation she was in 2022 and will be again in 2023 at the University of Tirana.

Adina Dragomirescu (Bucharest) [online]

Two facets of Romanian-Slavic contact: convergent features in the syntax of old Romanian and Istro-Romanian

Adina Dragomirescu is a senior researcher at the "Iorgu Iordan – Alexandru Rosetti" Institute of Linguistics and an assistant professor at the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest. She is a specialist in the syntax of Romanian and Romance, the author of two monographs: Ergativitatea. Tipologie, sintaxă, semantică [Ergativity. Typology, syntax, semantics] (2010) and Particularități sintactice ale limbii române în context romanic. Supinul [Specific syntactic features of Romanian within Romance. The supine] (2013), and a co-author of Gramatica de bază a limbii române [The essential grammar of Romanian] (2010, 2nd edition 2016), The Grammar of Romanian, ed. by G. Pană Dindelegan (OUP, 2013), The Syntax of Old Romanian, ed. by G. Pană Dindelegan (OUP, 2016), The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages, ed. by Adam Ledgeway and Martin Maiden (OUP, 2016), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics (2020), The Cambridge Handbook of Romance Linguistics, ed. by Adam Ledgeway and Martin Maiden (CUP, 2022), etc. Her main research interests are the syntax of old and modern Romanian, the effects of language contact in syntax, the syntax of Istro-Romanian, and Slavic influence on the syntax of old Romanian.