Fundamentals and Advances in  Balkan Linguistics

November 16-18, 2023


Call for Papers

Download CfP here.

We are pleased to announce that the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology will host an international conference on Fundamentals and Advances in Balkan Linguistics (FABL) on 16-18 November 2023.

FABL 2023 aims to foster networking and to provide a forum for high-quality research in all (sub)domains of Balkan linguistics / linguistics of the Balkan languages / languages of the Balkans, and related topics in language contact studies and areal linguistics, by creating an opportunity for both established and emerging researchers in the field to meet, present and discuss their work in a friendly and stimulating atmosphere.

Abstract submission

Abstracts are invited for 20-minute presentations, followed by a 10-minute discussion, on any aspect of Balkan linguistics, including but not limited to:

Abstracts should not exceed one page (including examples and figures, excluding references). They should have 2.5 cm or 1 inch margins and be written in a font size not smaller than 12 pt. The abstracts, including authors’ name, affiliation and email address, should be sent as a doc(x) or pdf file to The organizers will anonymize all submissions and send them for review to the members of the Programme Committee.

In order to guarantee diversity, one person may be the first author of only one submission. Preferred language of submissions as well as presented papers is English.

The deadline for abstract submissions is 15 July 2023. Notification of acceptance will be given by 31 August 2023. (***EXTENDED DEADLINE: 10 September 2023***)

The meeting is planned as an in-person event. Online participation may be allowed, too, under specific circumstances (such as travel restrictions or overlapping events). Requests for online participation will be considered on a case-by-case basis and should be directed to the organizers by email.

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