Popular Donation Items

These items fly off the shelves at every fridge location!

Drinks: water bottles, juices, sodas, Gatorade, milk. We can never have too many drinks!

Grab & go snacks: chips, granola/protein bars, trail mix, Goldfish, etc.

Grocery staples: eggs, butter, fruit, veggies, milk, cheese, bread, etc.

Cooking/baking essentials: vegetable and olive oils, spices, sugar, baking powder, baking salt, flour, etc.

Condiments: full-size bottles of ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise go super quick!

Cleaning products: laundry soap, dish soap, dishwasher soap

Hygiene products: tampons and pads, deodorant, hand sanitizer, soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, lotion, toilet paper (please make sure the TP is individually wrapped!)

Pet food: new is great, but if you have an opened bag of dry dog or cat food, it can be put into ziplocks and labeled with brand & expiration date

Pasta sauces: we receive a LOT of pasta, so sauces are a hit!

How about some fun stuff? ice cream, soda, birthday cake mix & frosting, sprinkles, chewing gum, mints

Frozen items: our freezers are often empty, so these are always needed: frozen pizzas, veggies, frozen microwavable dinners, frozen waffles, chicken nuggets (fully-cooked), ice cream...anything from the frozen section!

We always have a LOT of these items!

Dry pasta



Canned goods
