A Netflix account is meant to be shared by people who live together in one household. People who are not in your household will need to use their own account to watch Netflix. Learn more about sharing Netflix.

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If your account has extra member slots and you want to change your payment method to a partner package, you can link your account as instructed by Netflix and your provider. Since extra members cannot be added to partner packages or third-party billed accounts, we will cancel your extra member(s) immediately once activation is complete. The extra member(s) will receive an email confirmation.

An account owner may choose to share their account with you by buying an extra member slot and inviting you as their extra member. To set up your extra member account, follow the steps below from your invitation.

As an extra member, you can create your own account and link to a partner package as instructed by Netflix and your provider. Make sure you use the same email address you use for your extra member account to retain your viewing history and settings.

A library of extra functions for the standard Haskell libraries. Most functions are simple additions, filling out missing functionality. A few functions are available in later versions of GHC, but this package makes them available back to GHC 7.2.

The module Extra documents all functions provided by this library. Modules such as Data.List.Extra provide extra functions over Data.List and also reexport Data.List. Users are recommended to replace Data.List imports with Data.List.Extra if they need the extra functionality.

A library of extra functions for the standard Haskell libraries. Most functions are simple additions, filling out missing functionality. A few functions are available in later versions of GHC, but this package makes them available back to GHC 7.10. A few examples:

When producing a library of extra functions I have been guided by a few principles. I encourage others with small useful utility functions contribute them here, perhaps as a temporary stop before proposing they join the standard libraries.

My general contribution preferences are available here. In addition, this repo contains some generated code which is checked in, namely src/Extra.hs and test/TestGen.hs. You can generate those files by either running runghc Generate.hs or ghci (which uses the .ghci file) and typing :generate. All PR's should contain regenerated versions of those files.

To pass configuration options to the extensions included with Extra, they must be passed to Extra, with theunderlying extension identified as well. In that way Extra will have access to the options and can pass them on tothe appropriate underlying extension.

Note that in the above example, footnotes and fenced_code are both nested under the extra key as thoseextensions are included with Extra. However, the toc extension is not included with extra and therefore itsconfiguration options are not nested under the extra key.

There are many other extensions which are distributed with Python-Markdown that are not included here inExtra. The features of those extensions are not part of PHP Markdown Extra, and therefore, not part of Python-MarkdownExtra.

Internally, a QuerySet can be constructed, filtered, sliced, and generallypassed around without actually hitting the database. No database activityactually occurs until you do something to evaluate the queryset.

Also note that even though slicing an unevaluated QuerySet returnsanother unevaluated QuerySet, modifying it further (e.g., addingmore filters, or modifying ordering) is not allowed, since that does nottranslate well into SQL and it would not have a clear meaning either.

If you pickle a QuerySet, this will force all the results to be loadedinto memory prior to pickling. Pickling is usually used as a precursor tocaching and when the cached queryset is reloaded, you want the results toalready be present and ready for use (reading from the database can take sometime, defeating the purpose of caching). This means that when you unpickle aQuerySet, it contains the results at the moment it was pickled, ratherthan the results that are currently in the database.

If you only want to pickle the necessary information to recreate theQuerySet from the database at a later time, pickle the query attributeof the QuerySet. You can then recreate the original QuerySet (withoutany results loaded) using some code like this:

Pickles of QuerySets are only valid for the version of Django thatwas used to generate them. If you generate a pickle using Djangoversion N, there is no guarantee that pickle will be readable withDjango version N+1. Pickles should not be used as part of a long-termarchival strategy.

The lookup parameters (**kwargs) should be in the format described inField lookups below. Multiple parameters are joined via AND in theunderlying SQL statement, and the whole thing is enclosed in a NOT().

Annotates each object in the QuerySet with the provided list of queryexpressions. An expression may be a simple value, areference to a field on the model (or any related models), or an aggregateexpression (averages, sums, etc.) that has been computed over the objects thatare related to the objects in the QuerySet.

Annotations specified using keyword arguments will use the keyword asthe alias for the annotation. Anonymous arguments will have an aliasgenerated for them based upon the name of the aggregate function andthe model field that is being aggregated. Only aggregate expressionsthat reference a single field can be anonymous arguments. Everythingelse must be a keyword argument.

Same as annotate(), but instead of annotating objects in theQuerySet, saves the expression for later reuse with other QuerySetmethods. This is useful when the result of the expression itself is not neededbut it is used for filtering, ordering, or as a part of a complex expression.Not selecting the unused value removes redundant work from the database whichshould result in better performance.

filter() and order_by() can take expressions directly, butexpression construction and usage often does not happen in the same place (forexample, QuerySet method creates expressions, for later use in views).alias() allows building complex expressions incrementally, possiblyspanning multiple methods and modules, refer to the expression parts by theiraliases and only use annotate() for the final result.

The result above will be ordered by pub_date descending, then byheadline ascending. The negative sign in front of "-pub_date" indicatesdescending order. Ascending order is implied. To order randomly, use "?",like so:

To order by a field in a different model, use the same syntax as when you arequerying across model relations. That is, the name of the field, followed by adouble underscore (__), followed by the name of the field in the new model,and so on for as many models as you want to join. For example:

Here, there could potentially be multiple ordering data for each Event;each Event with multiple children will be returned multiple timesinto the new QuerySet that order_by() creates. In other words,using order_by() on the QuerySet could return more items than youwere working on to begin with - which is probably neither expected noruseful.

Also, note that reverse() should generally only be called on a QuerySetwhich has a defined ordering (e.g., when querying against a model which definesa default ordering, or when using order_by()). If no such ordering isdefined for a given QuerySet, calling reverse() on it has no realeffect (the ordering was undefined prior to calling reverse(), and willremain undefined afterward).

Keep in mind that order_by() uses any default related model orderingthat has been defined. You might have to explicitly order by the relation_id or referenced field to make sure the DISTINCT ON expressionsmatch those at the beginning of the ORDER BY clause. For example, ifthe Blog model defined an ordering byname:

An aggregate within a values() clause is applied before other argumentswithin the same values() clause. If you need to group by another value,add it to an earlier values() clause instead. For example:

If you only pass in a single field, you can also pass in the flatparameter. If True, this will mean the returned results are single values,rather than 1-tuples. An example should make the difference clearer:

This function performs time zone conversions directly in the database.As a consequence, your database must be able to interpret the value oftzinfo.tzname(None). This translates into the following requirements:

When a QuerySet is evaluated, ittypically caches its results. If the data in the database might have changedsince a QuerySet was evaluated, you can get updated results for the samequery by calling all() on a previously evaluated QuerySet.

This implies a self.toppings.all() for each Pizza; now each timeself.toppings.all() is called, instead of having to go to the database forthe items, it will find them in a prefetched QuerySet cache that waspopulated in a single query.

That is, all the relevant toppings will have been fetched in a single query,and used to make QuerySets that have a pre-filled cache of the relevantresults; these QuerySets are then used in the self.toppings.all() calls.

Note that there is no mechanism to prevent another database query from alteringthe items in between the execution of the primary query and the additionalqueries, which could produce an inconsistent result. For example, if aPizza is deleted after the primary query has executed, its toppings willnot be returned in the additional query, and it will seem like the pizza has notoppings: 152ee80cbc

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