Nalla pathivu... Best for beginners..

I also wanted to start meditation, some thing is pulling me towards spirituality for one and half years. 

I think it is wise to start with the help of Master. Your suggestions please..

I reside in Bangalore now..

Madam you can do on your own without doing any protection mantra. If u does chants and jaba, then the protection mantra is required. you can take Bairava mantra from the another post and keep as protection mantra, or you can see in for more details on this topic. also you can approach SKY practices by vethathiri maharishi in your area to learn this lamp meditation on primary methods.

Vethathiri Maharishi Thavam Free Download


//I got surprises how much pooja these people did inside the house with priests and plenty of smoke rose inside the house in the meaning of yaaga. But, nothing workout on this fellows. How to come out from this people (souls) at our houses, I will write at the end.///

You didn't completed this part.

Dear Thillai Raj Ayya,

Vaazhga Valamudan , 

Recently I learned Dhuriyaatheetha thavam from SKY center. I want to understand what is the dhuriyaatheetham state ?

Is it the realization that the universe is US or that we are in IT ? or is it completely something else ?

Vizhakkam thara mudiyuma ? Where can I read about it ?

Can you write(have already written) a blog about it ?

Vazhga Valamudan.

this question u might ve asked to sky masters who doing thuriyatheetham for decades. if i give the explanation on the particular subject all the people stick to that and copy, paste to sky blogs and sky facebooks. Maharishi given and show the shadows to the followers. if u or any one realise and uplift to the next stage of real meditation, then u can come to know the real truth that till day yours journey has not been started yet. real meditations take mostly twelve years to complete to attain samadhi. some years back, once i asked sky member who s operating from abroad sky facebooks had copied all the writings from my blog, their reply delivers as they lacking behind to explain their truth what they have achieved by doing meditations. till, they follows the same due to untraveled to the destiny doors. maharishi has published all the thoughts and intuitions. But u can refer all the facebooks and blogs, people simply copy the maharishi words and updating daily. For maharishi, its not required to publish his words through us. Its established widely. The lacking trends may unable to understand or away from original practices by us and due maharishi simplified the original practices?. recently i asked a sky group members at Bangalore can they explain the agna meditations and their experiences. They criticised me, and some members has explained what was in the book. when i asked maharishi during my school days what u asked here, maharishi replied"understand the truth". Arguments and clarifications never brings the true answers in spiritual. We have to obey the real masters. Masters doing meditations for the universal beings. we cant argue with real spiritual masters. so u please find out the real path what our siddhars explained in all siddhar poems and start the practices. it may take u the destination what u searching now. if u find the answers in the future, if my blog may available in future, u write the answer below this explanation. u may explain what i observed here. its enough here.

what you have learned.from whom.the methods of practices are all required for you and yourself understand. Ask your master whom taught all these things. otherwise dont read any books and join veththiri maharishi simplified kundilini yoga to learn the basic things on meditations. all dreams will go once understand the basic meditation and its way of approach. they teach you the lamp meditations properly.

Sir, i have a doubt. while attaining the stage after regular practice of lamp meditation, you said we can see through our naked eyes the vital bodies sitting and roaming here and there . Are those vital bodies aware that we have seen them? will they know when we look at them. You have experienced right. Any reaction happened to such bodies while u noticed them?

Lamp meditation is a tool, its not related with complete meditation. Meditation is prolonged progress you have to do till you understand where you stand there and see the world. Leave all these primary practices and do the real meditation where tamil siddhars does and attained.

Lamp meditation is a tool, it's not related to complete meditation. Meditation is prolonged progress you have to do till you understand where you stand there and see the world. Leave all these primary practices and do the real meditation where tamil siddhars does and attained.

The answer I have given above. Leave all your external practices. Search and find the people who do real meditation. Learn and practice, then you may tell all the tools are the waste. Stop asking questions, it never clears the doubts.

Sir you jave great knowledge but some things are exaggregated like you see energy body with physical eyes and all that are seen with mind eyes and chidambara ragasiyam is what the name spells that darkness is eternal it represents the infinty which we are only bound to feel it is the eternal secret but you saying you saw nataraja coming near you the nataraja statue itself is the representation of motion of sub atomic particle it is placed in front of cern labs god is formlessi accept lamp meditation has more benifits and could attain lot of energy but some things are exxagrated

Leave all those simple external techniques and especially science. Using your mind or brain in your physical body misguides. Its trained by you through studies and books. . Identify the real meditation and locate where you are in this universe. Let's allow it to come as its natural and make mind hampered.Then you will be understood where I stood and explained.

Thank you very much for this blog. Very helpful and I've my own experiences and it's just worth it. Just for others to know lamp meditation also helps to improve eye sight and its best to face North direction when meditating.

Namaskaaram Ayya,

 Vazhgha Valamudan. I had been researching about Jothi Dhyanam (Tratak) from several sources like Vallalar (Suddha Sanmargham), Hypnosis academies and other online sources but could not find a real guru to teach this practice. I joined SKY Level 1 course after reading your blog post about Lamp meditation. I am very interested in this Oil Lamp Jothi Meditation and other meditation techniques to open the third eye and gain abilities of DoorDarshan (Remote Viewing), Astral Travel etc. My real goal is to become a professional remote viewer (career) and enable the rightful progress of self and others in human society for all dharmic/righteous aspects. However I am confused with the practice timings (3 AM - 5 AM) mentioned in this Post and how to integrate this practice with my other SKY yoga and meditation practices. It appears that SKY Level 2 - Introspection practice teaches tratak but the SKY Professor says it is only for a few mins and could be quite basic. I would be very blessed if I can get your guidance for this Jothi Dhyanam practice. How can I reach out to you Ayya? If you feel compassionate to guide this insignificant soul, on this Jothi Dhyanam practice could you please WhatsApp me your contact number? If you cannot guide me for lack of time or other reasons, can you atleast refer any advanced SKY yoga practioners who have actually attained these Remote Viewing, Astral Travel abilities?

WhatsApp: +91-7708385855

Be Blessed by the Divine,


Vazgha Valamudan,

I'm a SKY master living in Europe.

I've seen many things in the flame during my lamp meditation (Ganesha, Buddha, auras of my different family members and friends, as well as my different gurus, and lastly the flame has informed me telepathically about imbalances in my body health to take care of).

I have also seen several past lives and karma connections to this life, and what I must do to overcome them. This was when I was meditating deeply.

During mirror meditation I have seen which karmas are coming into my life as rays of energy on the mirror around my silhouette. Depending on their direction and size, I know if they will come to me through men or women, and whether it's a good, neutral or bad karma I will be receiving.

In my country 2 years back, there were zero SKY practitioners, now we're about 30 that I have personally initiated through God's and Guru's grace.

Can I talk to you about spiritual path and spiritual development (whatsapp, email etc)? I am learning many things from your experiences here on your blog, God bless you 152ee80cbc

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