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St Mary the Virgin, Freeland

St Mary the Virgin, Freeland

If you have an interest in singing sacred choral music, we'd love to hear from you! We are always very pleased to welcome new people to sing with us.

As an occasional choir, we offer a friendly, low-commitment environment but aim for high standards. You don't need to sing with us every time we lead the music for a service. 

How we operate

We gather before each service to rehearse the music. As there are no rehearsals except on the day of a service it's important you are reasonably confident at sight reading.  

We sing psalms using traditional Anglican chants. We sing in four parts (SATB) with further divisions as needed depending on the repertoire. As we are a small choir, you should be sufficiently confident to sing with only one or two other people in your part.  

Our repertoire is normally unaccompanied. This means we tend to sing a lot of renaissance polyphony.

Our intention is to add a musical dimension to the worship of our Benefice, not reach choral perfection. So, we aim to be social and enjoy making music together.

If this sounds like your thing, please do get in touch using the form below. Alternatively, do come along to a service and speak to us afterwards.