Cyborg Recruitment

How will the rise of the robots change work? Rather than sticking our head in the sand, let's invent the future in this exercise by making it personal: let's investigate your own job:

  • Think of the part of your job that you like least. Or also those parts of your job that you may not hate, but it is not work that you are uniquely good at compared to others.
  • Now let us fast forward into the future, and assume that machines are capable of almost anything. Come up with a couple of recruitment interview questions that you would like the bot that you hiring to collaborate with you to take over some of your tasks.
  • Pick a fellow course participant and carry out the interview, after having explained roughly what you are looking for. Switch roles after that so that the other person becomes the interviewer or cyborg respectively. Optionally repeat. What did you learn from this?
  • Now that the Cyborg has started, define your ideal new role - what are you going to change or focus on? Now it is your turn to apply for your own new job, and let one of the course participants interview you after you have briefed him on the role and questions. What did you learn from this?

If you want some inspiration, take the job test at Hubot.