Create a Creature

In this exercise you are going to use your speculative design skills and create a creature.


  • Notice that the bots on the Bots Like You web site are organized around specific human (or animal/living creature like qualities).
  • Pick a specific dimension or quality of creatureness - what makes us human (animal, a living being). Try to come up with something original = perhaps not something that people in general typically associate with a bot.
  • Research the web of examples of bots (in the broadest sense of the word) that display this capability, or other supporting research, techology, science fiction. The discover more section of Bots Like You also provides some good links
  • Now imagineer a robot of your own that would display that focusses on that specific quality - it doesn't necessarily have to be good at it. Perhaps also think of the impact of this bot in terms of interaction, or bigger picture, the society
  • Create materials (prototypes, drawings, a story) that you can use to present the quality you picked, examples found and your own designed creature back to the group