
Reliability of Chosen Quantitative Measures

*Participants included seven pre-service educators. Seven classroom behavior management plans were collected, and a frequency count was discretely administered regarding the five trauma informed indicators including safety, trustworthiness, choice, collaboration, and empowerment.


Data Analysis Procedures for Quantitative Data

*Quantitative data was analyzed using a frequency count. Each classroom behavior management plan was examined for each trauma-informed indicator. The targeted words were chosen as they best encompassed trauma informed instruction, and if the pre-service teachers were incorporating these concepts into their classroom behavior management plans. The frequency was counted based on the number of times the variable (trauma informed indicator) occurred.


Data Analysis Results for Quantitative Data

*Data analysis was completed with a small sample of seven classroom behavior management plans, however, in future research studies a larger sample would provide a more accurate representation. The trauma informed indicator that was most frequently present was collaboration.


Data Analysis Procedures for Qualitative Data

*Two clinical instructors were interviewed, and both provided thoughtful responses to the five interview questions, and five Missouri Model of Trauma-Informed School indicators (see Appendix A). Both instructors gave in-depth responses, and their interviews were recorded via Zoom. Interviews were transcribed and member checked for accuracy. Some minor changes were implemented, and emergent codes were identified.


Data Analysis Results for Qualitative Data

*Interviews were read several times, and two themes were identified from their responses from the five questions asked: communication between teacher and student, and collaborative relationships with students and staff.



  1. Communication between teacher and student-theme one

  2. Collaborative relationships with students and staff-theme two


The Missouri Model of Trauma-Informed Schools Responses

*The secondary piece to the interview were the yes/no responses to the five Missouri Model of Trauma-Informed Schools indicator responses. The first round of questions asked if the participants had received trauma informed training in their professorial career. If they responded they had the training, the next five questions were then asked. These questions inquired if they had encountered the five trauma informed indicators in their training including safety, trustworthiness, choice, collaboration, and empowerment