Semester 2 Milestones and Deliverables

Individual Deliverables

1. Pseudocode Flowchart

Week 3 (1/27/23)

2. Videos of Measuring Tape Functionality on Exoskeleton

Week 4 (2/3/23)

3. Graph of Force vs Deformation Curve of Elastic Band

Week 5 (2/10/23)

4. Summary and Images of the Electronic Assembly

   Week 6 (2/17/23)

5. Video of system collecting EMG data 


Week 8 (3/3/23)

6. Video showing the independency of EMG channels


Week 11 (3/24/23)

7. Video showing heart detection validation


Week 13 (4/7/23)

8. Image of adjusted circuit on back (A) and video of EMG signal acquisition post-modification(B) 


   Week 14 (4/14/23)

9. Trial run test of physiological measurement system results


   Week 15 (4/21/23)