Here are some publications relevant to the ExELang project. For more publications, see here:
Räsänen, O., Seshadri, S., Lavechin, M., Cristia, A., & Casillas, M. (2020). ALICE: An open-source tool for automatic measurement of phoneme, syllable, and word counts from child-centered daylong recordings. Behavior Research Methods. [preprint]
Cristia, A. (2020) Language input and outcome variation as a test of theory plausibility: The case of early phonological acquisition. Developmental Review. [preprint]
Cristia, A., Lavechin, M., Scaff, C., Soderstrom, M., Rowland, C., Räsänen, O., Bunce, J., & Bergelson, E. (2020) A thorough evaluation of the Language Environment Analysis (LENA) system. Behavior Research Methods. [preprint]
Cychosz, M., Romeo, R. R., Soderstrom, M., Scaff, C., Ganek, H., Cristia, A., Casillas, M., de Barbaro, K., Bang, J. & Weisleder, A. (2020). Longform recordings of everyday life: Ethics for best practices. Behavior Research Methods. [preprint, online resource, pdf]
Cristia, A., Bulgarelli, F., & Bergelson, E. (2020). Accuracy of the Language Environment Analysis (LENATM) system segmentation and metrics: A systematic review. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. [online resources, including pdf]
Räsänen, O., Seshadri, S., Karadayi, J., Riebling, E., Bunce, J., Cristia, A., Metze, F., Casillas, M., Rosemberg, C., Bergelson, E., & Soderstrom, M. (2019). Automatic word count estimation from daylong child-centered recordings in various language environments using language-independent syllabification of speech. Speech Communication, 113, 63-80. [pdf]