
December 9, 2020

(Time in GMT)

0900-0915 : Opening remarks by Prof. G. Ambika

Session 1

0915-0945 : Prof. R.I Sujith "Predicting critical transitions: Effects of rate of change of parameter"

0945-1015 : Dr. Vishwesha Guttal "Stochasticity and early warning signals of tipping points in complex systems"

1015-1045 : Dr. Juan Rocha "Detecting regime shifts in ecosystems"

BREAK 15 minutes

Session 2

1100-1130 : Dr. Jan Sieber "Tipping in non-regularly forced systems - the Mid-Pleistocene Transition"

1130-1200 : Dr. Bedarta Goswami "Early warning signals and abrupt transitions in climate"

1200-1230 : Marieke Schreuder "Anticipating transitions in mental health in at-risk youth: a large-scale diary study into early warning signals"

1230-1300 : Discussion session: Early warning signals. Challenges and opportunities