


This project arose from the desire of the coordinators of the participating schools to share the natural beauties of Europe with their students in a creative and unique way. The project has five main goals that run through all planned activities.

First, it is the improvement of our students' digital, social and language competences, which will be achieved through the use of the eTwinning platform and digital tools. By working in international teams, students will hone their communication skills.

Second, this project seeks to implement innovative approaches to teaching that include IT, CLIL (teaching and learning through bilingual subjects) and Project Based Learning.

Third, students want to get a better understanding of the world of nature and the geographical features of individual areas, the changes they are going through, including the effects of climate change.

Fourth, students and teachers are encouraged to work in teams. This is done by participating in the eTwinning platform and by planning joint events for teachers. Teachers are encouraged to collaborate using new technologies, which ultimately has a positive impact on students.

Ultimately, all this will contribute to the international value of the participating schools by promoting the social and cultural values ​​of the European Heritage

About 100 students and 20 teachers will be involved in the project (eTwinning and working visits to schools), while indirectly, when visiting schools, even more participants will be involved.

It is planned to include 7th grade students who will grow and develop together with him during the two years of the project. The project will involve 20 students who are of lower economic status or face cultural differences.

The activities of this project are divided into:

1. Short joint teacher training

2. Four short student-exchanges during which participants will visit the host schools and the area in which they are located.

Students will be housed in the families of the host students. In this way, they will get acquainted with the socio-cultural aspect of the country they are visiting. In the exchange work segment, students will spend time in a camp or hostel near the area that is the focus of study.

These are the areas where we will work

(click on each to visit see the activities)

The most innovative part of this project are multilingual teacher-designed teaching units, which contain videos and photos to be produced by students.

We believe that this project will have a profound impact on teachers, students and their families. Through unforgettable experiences, students will feel the value of belonging to a circle of the European Union that, although full of diversity, is always tolerant and altruistic.

Ultimately, teachers from other schools will also benefit from our work, which will be shared through the results platform of Erasmus + projects, our websites and other dissemination tools.

Through this project we will show that we have the ability to work successfully with other schools, which will help us to be broad-minded and learn from each other.