Fire Protection

How to Create a Defensible Space Around A Home

Dana Furguson, Southwest Hills Neighborhood Association, January 2021

Wildfires last summer came very close to Eugene. Because South Eugene is in a high wildfire risk area, neighbors need to prepare by creating a defensible space around their homes. It's best to have a 150-foot defensible space, but this usually isn't possible because of the size of the lot. Any amount of defensible space is better than none.

Follow these steps:

  1. Clear dead vegetation and prune vegetation to remove dead branches.

  2. Remove leaves and needles from the yard, roof and gutters.

  3. Circle roof vents with fine mesh wire to prevent sparks from entering.

  4. Trim tree limbs at least 5 feet from a house.

  5. Trim lower tree limbs to 6-8 feet from the ground.

  6. Space trees 8 feet apart.

  7. Check the fire resistance rating of your roof material and outdoor furniture.

  8. Mow grass to 4 inches.

  9. Keep your driveway clear of debris so that firefighters can approach easily.

  10. Create space between trees and other plants.