Register to Vote

Register to Vote Online

You may apply to register to vote online. Click the button below to complete an application for new voter registration or to update your address or party affiliation. Updated information will only apply to your voter registration.

Please note: ​​There is no fee to apply for voter registration through the PayIt online service and you do not need to create an account with PayIt. Select “Continue as a guest” to bypass creating an account.

Once the online application is complete, it is sent to the N.C. State Board of Elections, which handles voter registrations.

If there are any issues with the application or if more information is needed, your county board of elections will contact you to complete the process. Voter registration applications submitted fewer than 25 days before an election will not be processed until after the election. You may still register to vote in person using same-day registration in your county during the early voting period.

Voting Rights of Convicted Felons

As a result of a recent N.C. Superior Court ruling, convicted felons in North Carolina may be eligible to register to vote if certain conditions are met.

You may now register and vote if you are serving an extended term of probation, post-release supervision due to outstanding fines, fees or restitution and you do not know of any other reason the probation, post-release supervision or parole was extended.

Learn more about how to register to vote on the N.C. State Board of Election’s website.

Update on Voter Eligibility for People Serving Felony Sentences

A recent court decision would expand the right to vote to people serving felony sentences outside of prison or jail — for example, on probation, parole, or post-release supervision. That decision is currently on hold while the case is being appealed.

Currently, by court order, any voter registration application submitted by a person serving a felony sentence outside of prison or jail will “be held and not acted on until further order” from the courts. Likewise, any already-registered voters who receive a felony sentence for probation only will not be removed from the voter rolls, until further order from the courts.

What is permitted at this time? An individual who is serving a felony sentence and is no longer in prison or jail may submit a voter registration application at this time without penalty. The application will be held by the county board of elections until further direction is given by the court.


Under North Carolina law, people serving felony sentences may not register to vote or vote. In September 2020, a North Carolina superior court in the case Community Success Initiative v. Moore ordered that people serving their sentences outside of jail or prison who remain under supervision because of monetary obligations may register and vote.

For details, see Numbered Memo 2020-26 - Sep 23, 2020 - Restoration of Voting Rights of Certain Individuals on Extended Probation (PDF).

On March 28, 2022, the superior court expanded its earlier ruling and concluded that any person serving a felony sentence outside of prison or jail could register and vote. That decision was immediately appealed, and on April 5, 2022, the NC Court of Appeals temporarily halted the decision expanding eligibility while the appeal proceeds.

View the superior court’s final judgment and order on the Community Success Initiative v. Moore case (PDF) and the NC Court of Appeals temporary stay on the superior court’s final judgment and order on the Community Success Initiative v. Moore case (PDF).

The State Board will update this information upon further instruction from the courts.

Note: When you are convicted of a misdemeanor in North Carolina, you do not lose your right to vote, even if you are incarcerated.