
Visit the following sites to help with your search to find more multicultural books.

  • This TED Talk is about how the single-story effect can start. It also explains how everyone is subject to the single-story effect and how we are all guilty of using it in our day-to-day understanding of others.

  • This is a guide that includes 500 diverse contemporary fiction and memoir recommendations for pre-teens and teens to inspire greater empathy for themselves, their peers, and the world around them.

  • There is a significant and cyclical literacy crisis facing America today and it begins with our children. Twenty-five million children in just the U.S. cannot read proficiently. Reading Is Fundamental believes that together we can make a real difference and set our children on a path of growth and opportunity.

  • Multicultural Children’s Book Day, brings focus to all of the amazing children’s books available that celebrate diversity and help children “find themselves” within the pages of the books they read.

  • - is a unique and vital gathering place for books, ideas, and expertise in the field of children's and young adult literature. The CCBC is a non circulating examination, study, and research library for Wisconsin school and public librarians, teachers, early childhood care providers, university students, and others interested in children's and young adult literature.