Ranger Series

A price has been set on crime. He's here to collect...

Handicapped thoroughbred farm owner, Trenton Stewart may seem eccentric and resigned to live a quiet and bland life on his farm. However, few know that the former police officer turned farm owner casts a long shadow. A shadow from which he vanishes and the Ranger, a black cloaked vigilante emerges to balance the scales of justice. This faceless avenger has dwelled within the shadow of the men who were the head of the Stewart household for generations only to emerge when victims of injustice cry out.


Trenton Stewart held out little hope for his meeting with Carl Upton, an amoral real estate developer with unsavory designs for the town of Hawksbill and its residents. Not long after the meeting Trent and Caite Roane, his loyal and attractive estate manager, find themselves the targets of the developer’s smear machine and an axe wielding mad man that has breathed new life into the notorious Bunnyman of Northern Virginia fame. Will the intervention of the Ranger be enough to rebalance the scales or will Hawksbill fall in dread of the Bunnyman?



Dread the Bunnyman


A map of Hawksbill Virginia. Click on the link below to view the map.


Series Trailer

“Physical perfection is attainable when you are chemically addicted to the process.”


When one of Europe’s top fashion models visits the Shenandoah valley it causes quite a stir. While the men of the valley are agog with the prospect of seeing the celebrated beauty, Caite Roane is less than impressed. The arrival of Caite’s attractive former classmate has her worried that she will lose Trenton Stewart, the man whom she cares for. With the aid of a new gym and its expert trainer and supplements Caite plans on beating the model at her own game.

Trenton Stewart knows that the Zenith syndicate has ventured into a new criminal enterprise and is determined to stamp it out through the guise of the Ranger. As the Ranger he haunts the underworld and works to cut down every branch of the Zenith syndicate that he can find. Will it be enough when crime has found a way to turn a healthy lifestyle into a gateway to addiction? As the stakes grow higher and those around Stewart find themselves falling victim to the syndicate, he must find the source of the syndicate’s new drug before it spreads across the country.



Victims of Vanity


A map of Hawksbill Virginia. Click on the link below to view the map.
