
" Fight evil with tooth and claw, but beware of the serpent's Jaw."

Ever since the creation of Evermore, its animal residents believed that they would be forever separated from the world of man. It was not until centuries later that the two worlds would collide. Without warning, Cheshire Cougar, the Marquis of Cougars, finds himself face to face with two human teens who have found themselves transported to Evermore. Now Cheshire and his animal neighbors find themselves standing between the humans and a demonic foe that will stop at nothing to gain the humans' souls. It will take more than strength and claws to stand up to a demon and his soul-rotted army. Victory can only come through faith and perseverance.


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Claws and whiskers! A spirit of uncertainty and unrest has settled upon the Cougar village. Cheshire Cougar, the brave and noble Marquis of Cougars, has been brought back from the Battle of Eastern Pass on a travois. The leader of the Cougar clan has lost his ability to smell out those enslaved to the dragon and the Council is scared. Just as the residents of the forest valley are adjusting to the return of the Marquis of Cougars, Cheshire turns the social world upside down by appointing Nurse Leana Longclaw to be his assistant and second in command. Will Cheshire be able to battle his inner demons? Will Leana be able to face her fears? Or will an accidental trip to the human realm make them lose the battle to confession?


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Claws and Whiskers! Eden Shard and the Battle to Confession have been bundled together into one handsome digital volume. This includes the new covers for both books.

