𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝐹𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎

Update log
-updated family lore

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The lore of the Everest Family reflects heavily on real-life events such as the Russo-Ukrainian War, the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and the Yemen Crisis just to name a few. Along with some fantasy with stuff such as Antarctican Passport.

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐿𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝒪𝒻 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝐹𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎
Please let me know if there is spelling, grammer or any type of mistake at infinitysrp and provied a screenshot of the mistake!

The Everest family originates from the Russian Empire in 1860 and somewhat stayed within the borders of Russia, sometimes appearing in Ukraine, Belarus and Kaliningrad (an exclave of Russia). Over the years the family mainly stayed together and was one of the main supporters of the Russian revolution which created the Soviet Union during that time was a very respected family having strong ties to Lenin. During this time the Everest family had managed its way out of eastern Russia and into Moscow and Kiev, due to the fact the family had strong ties and was spread across two Soviet Republics.

During the Nazi-German invasion of 1941, the portion of Everests stuck in Kiev were some of the first people to be sheltered by the Dictatorship of Stalin (the current dictator of the USSR) and the family within Moscow were some of the biggest donors to fund the war against the Germans. Finally in 1945 the Red Army had defeated the Germans allowing the Everests in Kiev to come out of hiding . After the war and around when Gorbachev took over as leader of the USSR, the Everest's suddenly packed their bags and headed toward the newly independent country of Canada where the family set foot in Ottawa Canada.

In 1986, 41 years after Everest's set foot in Canada, a young member of the family named Akio Everest had been doing his regular shopping before bumping into someone causing them to drop all their items. As he helped pick them up they touched hands and made eye contact, Akio stared back at a beautiful young Japanese woman named Alyona Satō.

Alyona Satō had just moved from Japan only a few months ago and according to Akio had "The most beautiful hair, eyes and voice" he had ever heard. As he helped Alyona he started small talk with her and both became close instantly and soon then began dating only a few weeks after meeting each other. During their dating years, the couple had travelled to multiple countries within Europe, Asia and Oceania along with visiting each other's homeland of Russia, Ukraine and Japan. Back in Canada on October 7, 1988, Akio had asked Alyona on what seemed to be a normal date at the beach. The only thing that Alyona didn't know was that this would be the last time she saw her boyfriend, and at 9:34 pm Akio stood up, got down on one knee, pulled out a ring and asked Alyona the question. 

"Will you marry me?" Akio said.

"Yes!" screamed Alyona in which Akio stood up, grabbed her hand and put the ring on before kissing Alyona with the sunset in the background.

On December 6, 1988, Akio Everest and Alyona Satō finally tied the knot and became Mr and Mrs Everest in the city of Karakura, Japan. (foreshadowing)

Once back in Canada again on February 29, 1990, Alyona was rushed to Hôpital Saint-François d'Assise in Québec City, Québec and is where they had their first child. A beautiful baby girl with deep blue eyes which Alyona and Akio named Kiara. As Kiara grew up the family kept moving around the country until they landed in Edmonton, Alberta once more Alyona was rushed to the hospital late at night on October 30, 1992, and the next day left the hospital being wheeled out by her husband with another baby girl with shiny yet dull grey eyes named Saola. Not wanting Kiara and Saola to continue growing up while on the move decided to stay in Edmonton. As Kiara and Saola grew they went to Westcot Elementary School in West Edmonton and then Jasper Place High School. 

One day while the kids were at school Alyona and Akio learned of life-changing news, Akio was dying of cancer, as Akio got treatment for his cancer, he kept getting worse and worse and finally and sadly, on July 25, 2003, Akio Everest passed away at the age of 45 leaving Kiara, Saola and 8 months pregnant Alyona alone. facing the death of their father and husband the family had to move downtown to afford a house and on September 2, 2003, Alyona was rushed to the hospital where she gave birth to her third and final child. A baby boy in which before her husband passed asked for their next child to be named Brix if they were a boy. When Alyona came home with Kiara and Saola's baby brother Kiara was so happy to finally have a brother but Saola on the other hand wasn't so fond of him. After a few years when Kiara, Saola and Brix were older they had gotten sponsored by their aunt who lived in Japan to come to stay with him for a while and to go to school in the city of Karakura. 

Once landed at the airport Kiara, Saola and Brix went towards the baggage claim, as Saola and Brix waited she noticed that her sister was nowhere to be seen. Once she had gotten their bags she noticed Brix with a bit of paper in his hands, asking Brix for the paper Saola read. It was a note from Kiara, she had run away leaving Saola who was just 15. Saola read the note which said:

  "I can't do this, I don't want to leave mom. I'm sorry."

Saola stood there staring down at the note in her right hand while holding 4-year-old Brix’s hand with the other she crumbled the note on the ground grabbed their bags and headed outside of Karakura Airport (Tokyo Oshima Camelia Airport) Saola held in her tears for her brother as she waited for her aunt to come to pick them up. 

No more than 15 minutes later a navy blue Royce Phantom II pulls up, the back door opens to show a slim Japanese woman around 35-40 years old wearing a black dress with a white fur coat, red heels and wearing black sunglasses, she exists the car being no taller than 5”11 pulling down the sunglasses and stares down at Saola and Brix before swiftly taking the glasses off and hugging both of them before saying:

   “Oh. My. Gosh! You both are so cute!!!!! Your mother has told me so much about you both! I have been DREAMING for this da-”

She stops mid-sentence before realizing that only two out of the three kids are there.

“Where is your sister?” She said

Sniffling Saola said while looking at the ground

“She got on the next plane back to mom…” 

“I'm so sorry.” said her aunt “I can understand why she did though.”

Clearing away the emotions Saola looked towards Brix realizing that he had already put his bag in the car and was laying in the back sound asleep, she looked back at her aunt.

   “I’m sorry mom never told us your name along with how we sho-”

   “Oh. Call me auntie Kyō my dear or if you want to be fancy then Ms. Satō is fine!”

   “Thank you, auntie Kyō.”

Kyō smiled before quickly saying

“Crap, let me help you with those bags!”

As she grabbed the first of four suitcases off the cart and into the back of the car doing a human chain-like thing with Saola until all four big suitcases were in the trunk. She gestured to Saola saying “You first my dear.” Sticking her hand out towards the open car just as Brix was waking up from his little nap. 

Saola went into the car telling Brix to place his head on her lap, still allowing him to sleep. Kyō then shut the door and went into the front sleep where Saola noticed she wasn't the one driving but a man in a suit with a strange-looking hat, Kyō turned to Saola and Brix saying “Everyone ready?” before turning to the driver and telling him to get going. As they drove Saola looked outside the window staring at the beautiful nature of the mountain they were driving up before entering a tunnel, once on the other side she stared back at a huge city. To the left seems to be the city hydro power plant and an apartment complex under construction to her right.

As they drove more into town Saola looked around at everything, shocked at how she was first in what seemed to be a forest to now a fully developed city before going down into a parking garage. Once parked Auntie Kyō said “We are here!” before kicking the door open, walking to the back door and opening it signalling for Saola to step out. Once out her brother still asleep Kyō snapped her figures and the driver got out of the car and walked behind a door, moments later he came out with an oversized stroller and placed Brix into it then popped the trunk open before taking out all four bags. Saola grabbed two of the bags while her aunt grabbed the other two and said to Saola

“I wish that my apartment complex had its own parking so we sadly have to walk." Said Kyō.

As the exited the parking garage Saola was greeted by the sounds and smells of island life in a big city staring at the birds flying through the sky, the animals running around and the people walking, she turned to her realizing her aunt is a bit ahead already closely by with the Driver no farther then a few feet, she quickly caught up and walked just behind her aunt. As they continued to walk they finally reached an apartment building in which once inside they headed for the elevator, her aunt pressed her floor button and once at the top Saola looked out a window. She was shocked at how high they were looking at the whole city from above she said “Wow! You can see basically the whole island from up here Auntie Kyō!”

“Ya it's really nice the view isn't it Saola?” said Auntie Kyō “Just wait till you see the house.”

Saola turned around to see her aunt opening what seemed to be the only door on the whole floor in which Saola then realized that her aunt owns the whole floor. She entered the house looking at the high roofs and the giant fish tank in the middle of the house, she gasped in amazement.

“This?! This is your house?!?!” she said in confusion and excitement to her aunt.

Auntie Kyō giggled before answering “Yes dear this is our home! Now leave your bags here and let me show you to your new room!”

Saola followed Auntie Kyō down a long hallway with photos of her family, spotting out photos of her mom and auntie Kyō many times before reaching the end of the hallway. On the door in front of her was a name plate with the name サオラ the japanese translation for her name, She opened the door to see a huge bed in the middle with what appears to be a walkin closet, a tv, couch and a desk with a new phone, laptop and backpack on it along with a mini fridge underneath the desk.

She was speechless and turned to her aunt.

“I- This is my room?!” Saola said Flustered looking at her aunt with her mouth wide open.

Auntie Kyō giggled again saying “Yes dear, this is your room! Take your time to settle in and look around, take some time to rest as well from your flight, I'll deal with bags and put your clothes away.”

“Thank you Auntie Kyō.” said Saola “I'll take some time to rest.”

“Have a great sleep Saola.” Kyō said before closing the door

Saola turned around once again facing her room before walking over to her bed and falling onto it facing forward before getting comfortable and falling asleep not knowing whether to feel happy about this or sad that her sister left… Maybe even both.

Meanwhile, 4 year old Brix wakes up from his nap and walks around the house. Once at the living room he climbed onto the couch and began jumping on it pretending it was a trampoline. As he continued to jump, Auntie Kyō rounded the corner, seeing what Brix was doing she pulled out her camera and took a photo of him before going up to him and introducing herself.

“Hello Brix!” Kyō said then following with “My name is Auntie Kyō, I'm your moms sister.”

Brix stopped jumping and sat down looking at Kyō,

“Mommy?” Brix said in a confused tone.

“No, Auntie!” responded Kyō

  “Au- Au-”

   “That's right, sound it out. Aun-tie.”

  “Au- Aun- Auntie! Auntie!”

“You did it, Brix! Good for you!” said Kyō excitedly “Now, let me show you to your room.” she then came in close before whispering “but be warned! There… are… PIRATES!!!!

“PIRATES?!” Brix said loudly

  “Yes my friend pirates! So we must sneak past them. But how?”

  “Uhhh, we run!”

  “No no they will see us then. Ah, I got it! We must crawl on our bellies!” said Kyō before tickling Brix’s stomach causing him to laugh uncontrollably.

“Now enough games lets go” Kyō said as she picked Brix up, holding him up like Simba then putting him down holding his left hand. As they walked down the hall they arrived at the next door right across from Saola’s room the same name plate was on this door with the text ブリックス which was Brix’s name in japanese. Once opened a similar sized room as Saola’s was in front of them being filled with stuffed animals, toys, books and a Sesame street Little laughs Tickle Me Elmo toy sitting on the bed which Brix rushed over to right away screaming “ELMO!” Once in reach Brix hugged the toy as hard as he could before running back to his aunt and hugging her saying “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!”

“You’re most welcome!” said Kyō “Now before you get to opening everything else why don't you sleep. It's a big time difference after all! And tomorrow me and you are gonna drop your sister off at school!”

“Okay Auntie!” Brix said before climbing into bed. Kyō came over and sat on the edge of the bed and said “Your mom told me that she sings you a song to help you fall asleep, but I can't seem to remember it. Do you remember the name?”

Brix said “Twinkle Twinkle!”

“Ah that's it!” Kyō said and while tucking Brix in she began to sing with the most soothing and soft voice you could ever hear.

“Twinkle, Twinkle, little star! How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high! Like a diamond in the sky! Twinkle, Twinkle little star! How I wonder what you are…”

Right as the song finished Brix was passed right out dreaming about what 4 year olds dream. Kyō stood up and slowly walked out making sure not to wake Brix up before slowly opening the door and then closing it. She then sighed in relief, happy she didn't wake him then walking to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine. While pouring she then got a call on the landline.

“Hello?” she said in japanese

“Hey sister!” said Alyona “Did the kids make it?”

  “Yes they did, except Kiara she switched planes in tokyo and headed back your way to Canada.”

  “Ah ya she called crying saying she couldn't leave me.” Alyona giggled “Just mail her stuff back when you're able too, also thank you for doing this, you really didn't have to do this.”

  “No, don't worry sis! It's important for them to embrace their Japanese side and for you to not work so hard! I know it's been hard on you ever since Akio passed, may his soul rest in eternal peace.”

   “I know I can always count on you!”

  “Well no shit I’m like the best sister you could ever ask for! Anyways it must be late for you, go get some sleep and dont worry ill send you photos of Saola’s first day of highschool.”

  “I can't believe she is in highschool sometimes! But yes it is late and I should get some sleep. Love ya sis.”

  “Right back at you.”

Kyō hung the phone up and took another sip of her wine before heading out to the balcony and looking over the town.

While looking down at the city she sensed her driver standing behind her smoking and said to him

“You know you can speak? You're not my slave Benjiro.”

  “Kyō, you know my English is horrible! I'm ashamed of it…”

“Saola speaks Japanese dumbass,” Kyō said before chuckling. “Plus even though your English is horrible, Saola wouldn't even care and Brix wouldn't even notice!”

“You’re right Kyō, I need to open myself up more” said Benjiro before walking over and standing beside Kyō.

“What made you want to work for me, Benjiro?” Kyō said as she turned to face him while holding out her hand signalling him to pass the smoke.

“The money you were offering was good, plus it's a nice job in an exciting part of the island. Not many people get the chance to come here.” he said quickly, taking a puff of the smoke before handing it off.

Taking a puff of the smoke Kyō turned to face the city once more then said

“You know I sometimes dream of owning one of the estates in this city, I wouldn't keep it closed off to the public like how they all are now. I'd open it to everyone, make a park with a pond, a little cafe, a place for all religions to pray too.”

“Well” said Benjiro “Why did you?”

  “Because  when the city first was being built investors that put in a certain amount of money got big plots of land. I missed that chance.”

“I see, well at least you have this gorgeous penthouse.” said Benjiro as he turned to lean his back on the rail of the balcony. Kyō turned around to do the same and said “Your right Benjiro. I should be thankful I have what I have.” She handed the smoke back to him and drank the last of her wine before walking off saying “Now I must unpack these bags! Care to join?”

  “Right away Ms Satō!”

As the run rose the next day Saola had woken up to the smell of bacon in the air and once out of bed she had walked to the kitchen still very tired.

“Morning Saola!” Said Kyō “I made breakfast for you!”

Saola rubbed her eyes before pulling a chair and sitting down. As her eyes adjusted to the light she looked to her left to see brix with a bit of bacon hanging out of his mouth slowly eating it as if it was printing but in reverse. Once Saola looked forward towards her aunt she was given a plate containing scrambled eggs, toast and bacon.

“Enjoy!” Kyō said with a smile on her face

“Thank you Auntie.” Saola said as she began to eat the food. Once done Saola went back to her room to see that her bed had already been made.

  “Damn, she has a driver and maid? Shocked.”

Saola walked over to her suitcase, sat down and opened the bag which was empty, realizing that her aunt unpacked it she stood up and walked over to her closet which had all her stuff. Putting on a new pair of clothing and walking out across the room to go to her bathroom to brush her teeth, fix her hair and wash her face before she grabbed her bag off her desk. Once ready to go to school she pulled out her phone to check the time and then to message her mom.

She wrote:

“Hey mom, I miss you alot! Auntie Kyō is so sweet. I'll make sure to call later! Bye!”

She pressed send and nothing, she then remembered that her phone wouldnt work here then looking at the desk where the new phone was, she opened the box and pulled out a brand new phone with her moms number on it already. She sent the same text and it went through.

Once sent she walked out of her room to the living room and kitchen seeing her Auntie Kyō and Brix by the door along with the driver.

“Ready for your first day of school!” said her Aunt with a smile

“Ya I’m ready, I forgot about the new phone thing so I needa set it up after school.”

“Don't worry Saowa, don't be scared!” said Brix with his little lisp

“I'm fine Brix.” She said in a bit of a annoyed tone

“Alright! To the car!” Kyō said while walking out of the door then followed by Brix.

“After you, Saola.” Said Benjiro in his broken English.

“Thank you, and I speak Japanese too ” responded Saola as she walked out the door followed by Benjiro the driver.

At the car Saola plugged in her headphones and looked up some songs and picked one she liked, as the drove she looked out the window at the city and no longer then 5 minutes later they pulled up at her school. It. Was. Huge. As she looked at it they stopped at the main gate of the school, her aunt turned around and said

“Here we are! Welcome to Karakura High School and College! I talked to the principal and she said she would meet you at the entrance.” Auntie Kyō said.

“Wow, I've never seen a school this big Auntie.” Said Saola

  “I know right! Four floors in this school and rooftop access! Along with a pool, track, Library, Cafeteria, and so much more!”

  “Well, I’ll see you later guys. I'll text you when I see the principle Auntie Kyō.”

“Ok! Love you.” Kyō said.

Saola stepped out of the car and stared at the gates, before she took a step into the school she heard someone yell


“Oh, thank you Auntie.” Saola said as she walked back to the car sticking her hand out to receive the money. Once handed the money she looked at it and gasped in shock, in her hands she held 10,000 Japanese Yen. Now Saola didn't know the true value of it but she knew it was a lot.

  “Auntie.. How much is this?”

“Oh, I don't know. Maybe like a hundered Canadian?” She responded

“ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS?!?!” Saola said loudly “I can't take all this.” she followed as she attempted to hand the money back.

“Oh no dear, don't worry about it! If you have money left over go buy yourself a treat!” Said Kyō with a smile on her face

“Wow, thank you! Love you too.” Saola said before turning around and walking towards the school.

As she walked into the school she looked to her left looking at people sitting on bleachers and others playing soccer/football and to her right more people chatting and others in the pool. As she walked she arrived at the main entrance of the school where she was greeted by the receptionist.

“Hello.” she said “How may I help you?”

“Hi, I’m looking for the principal, I’m new to the school.” Saola said

  “Ah, she’s right behind you over there.” the receptionist pointed

Saola turned around to see, standing against the wall, and made eye contact with her. The principal walked over to Saola and asked

“Are you Saola Everest? Your aunt has told me so much about you!" The principal said.

Saola laughed awkwardly not knowing how to respond
"Ya, she's something alright. Really sweet too!"
"So lets do our tour Saola, I know you will really enjoy this place. It may be a bit different from your old school in Canada but Im sure once you settle in you will find it just like your old school!" said

Thought out the day Saola followed the principle around the school around the school attempting to learn where everything in the school was, once at the end of the tour the principle turned around facing Saola before handing her a bag.

"Well, thats the end of the tour! If you have any questions feel free to pop by my office! Also here's a gift bag containing a map, your lockeer number and combo, classes, library hours and other information regarding the school. You can either head to your next class right now or hangout at the school untill tommorrow and start on a fresh day. I must get going now, welcome to Japan Saola!"

The prinicple then walked away while yelling on the radio about cheese or something.

Once Saola looked at everything in the gift bag she had decided to start fresh on a new day and walked around the school visiting the pool, football field, centre court, and roof where she stayed till the end of the day. Once at the school gates Saola texted her aunt saying she wanted to explore the city a bit before heading home in which her aunt agreed that she should and to be back before 11 PM. Walking around the city Saola looked as animals roamed the streets seeing fox's, snail's, bird's, dogs, cats and many other animals before entering the shopping district to look around at what stores were open to then notice that none were open? She looked around at confusion before going up to one which had a sign on it saying; "Store opening will be announced on ONRAIN when property owner is available."

"Huh, that's a weird way to run a store." She said under her breath before turning around, looking to her left to see a forest just down the road. "I should head there, it seems like it would be a fun journey." Once in the forest she heard the sounds of birds and bee's, raccoon's and foxes too, as she walked down the path then a stone walk way going up a mountain she was greeted by a beautiful architecture of Japanese style buildings with huge cherry blossom tree's and the biggest tori gate Saola had ever seen, as she was taking in all the views she was greeted by what seemed to be a shrine maiden in which she heard the softest voice in the whole world.

"Why hello dear!" The maiden said  "Welcome to Karakura shrine, my name is Maiden Hina. How can I help you?"
"Oh, I'm just looking around! I had just moved to the city so I'm getting my grasp around where everything is." Saola said
"Oh for sure! Feel free to ask any questions if you have anything." The maiden said then turning around to head towards a small garden.

Saola walked around the place passing by beautiful stone carvings, plants on both her left and right, and once she had gotten to the highest point she sat down dangling her legs off the side of the mountain overlooking everything in sight. Her school, city, everything she now called home, Saola spent almost the whole day at the shrine, looking down upon the city thinking about what new things she can do with her life before going home.

[!] Edit Note [!]
The following events will have quite big timeline gaps as  this stuff is right when I joined SRP. When I first joined I was playing Brix Everest with Saola coming very later. For the sake of timeline I will be creating this time gaps mainly as nothing substantial would have happened in these and that current time line stuff needs to be added to help bring the lore up to 2023.

August 17th 2009, years after they first arrived in Karakura, Japan, Saola now in Grade 12 and Brix in Grade 9 settled into the life of the place, both living together still but without their aunt who had to sell her place and move to the other side of the Island for what she said was "Family reasons". Leaving Brix and Saola in a small apartment which she pays for. Life has been good for them, Brix came out as gay in grade 8, Saola as Omnisexual in grade 11, both haven't dated anyone but with life still bring unexpected surprises to them, who can say? A few new things with Saola is that she had gather quite the big friend group, becoming quite close with one girl, Okemia Rene Kuroki, a  sweet kind girl with lovely red hair. Her and Saola's did everything together and for Saola, she was the sister she had never truly had growing up,  they were the definition of ride or die friends.

October 31, 2010, Saola had passed her college exams and was now a college student at her school along with her turning 19! The past year had been eventful with her meeting her current girlfriend  Niki Ocean and and befriending her Futsuesi, Sutsuetsi and Yutsuesi. Their whole relationship started off not how one would expect, it all started at the end of her Grade 12 year where rumors of this one teacher named Lenard Ocean had abused his children and other students at the school, Saola being Saola had disliked the man, and called him out every chance she got yelling in the hallways at the sight of him "Child beater!" and "Abuser!" just to name some of the more appropriate names. 

During her lunch break Saola was hanging out with the Ocean children by the front gate, Niki being to her left with the other three siblings being to the sides and in front. Saola out of the corner of her eye had seen Lenard, who was no longer a teacher on the other side of the wall waiting for his children to finish school. Him and Saola did not really like each other due to what Saola had been saying and such, so he quite hated her, but that wasn't on her mind, instead was Niki, with her long brown and blonde hair she was all Saola could think of for months, Saola crush on Niki was big, and she always wish that they could get together but never knew if it was possible. But things took a twist, Niki stood up, look at Saola and said

"Saola, Could I talk with you for a moment?" as she extended her hand to help Saola stand up.
"Sure. We'll be right back guys." Saola said. Once up Niki took her to the middle of the pathway at the school gates, Lenard watching and staring at both of them.
"Saola." Niki said in a calm, nervous voice "I have had these thoughts, and I wanted to let you know that... I like you, and I-, I wanna be in a relationship with you."

Saola in shock didn't know what to say, her dreams had come true, Niki liked her. With Saola blushing 
she attempted to speak, but Niki clearly already knew. She put her hand on the back of Saola's head and kissed her, Saola in shock didn't know what to do, but embrace it. They both kissed as Lenard watch with soon Niki flipping off her dad, Saola noticing and doing the same.

To be continued...