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The Everest Foundation was established on 26/7/2018 in Jade City British Columbia with its main office being located within Yinhe Hotel (ι“Άζ²³ι…’εΊ—) located in Dandong, China (PRC) a border city with the DPRK with the border city of Sinuji (μ‹ μ˜μ£Όμ‹œ) North Pyongan, North Korea where the Everest family owns several properties set up like gas stations which have tunnels leading under the Yalu Rivier. The foundation is set up to be a shelter for North Korean trying to escape the regime and as a place to hide them from getting deported back to North Korea. In order to hide from Chinese authorities, the foundation has claimed to be a hotel on the border with the DPRK with the neighboring city of Sinuji (μ‹ μ˜μ£Όμ‹œ) being around 3.5 km (2.2 miles) south. As of 2020, The Everest Foundation had been claimed to be laundering money with Saola Everest the founder of the foundation being the main suspect and is currently being investigated by Chinese officials and formally investigated by North Korean Officials till a payment of 10 million Canadian dollars (7,003,870,500 New North Korean Won) was donated to the regime through swift banking system despite being blocked for the North Koreans. After an investigation involving the United States FBI, Cia, Homeland, Canadian organization CSIS and China's MSS organization it was deemed that Saola Everest was not found to be linked with the payment but many suspects that she was the one who sent it. As of 2022, the foundation has a net worth of 34 million USD and with offices located in Sweden, Iceland, Germany, Mongolia, Russia, Japan, Transnistria, Switzerland and Canada and despite being on the blacklist of the United States, Ukraine, Afghanistan, UAE, Saudi Arabia and India. The Everest Foundation has managed to hide properties within these countries' borders posing as Hotels, Banks, Government buildings, Firehouses and many more types of services.

Currently, The Everest Foundation is in a legal battle with Karakura Government to get permits to set up slums within the city a spokesperson said quote "The people of Karakura are wealthy but aren't able to get housing due to the housing shortage throughout the city if The Everest Foundation get legal permissionΒ  to build these Slums it could house Hundreds of citizens at a very affordable price of ten thousand yen a month." A government spokesperson told us that "Slums in Karakura shouldn't be allowed since we want to provide our citizens with the best comfort while they stay in the city." In court today The Everest Foundation's lawyer argued that The Everest Foundation would pay 40% of the construction of the slums no matter the location and would use its resources to operate it.
(April 29, 2022)

Today in court The Everest Foundation was questioned on the allegations of money laundering going on by the founder Saola Everest along with the payment of 10 million Canadian dollars (7 Billion North Korean Won) being sent to the "North Korean Regime". The following transcript provided by the Japanese federal court says as followed: (Click here)

After a long while, the Karakura Government denied The Everest Foundation from opening an office within the city after the judge found that Saola Everest was guilty of Money Laundering but was not arrested as the judge decided that arresting her would lead to unwanted attention from the CSIS and CIA who are still currently investigating the Foundation for its close ties to the "North Korean Regime" and its founder's ties to Kim Jong-un (김정은) and President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Π’Π»Π°Π΄ΠΈΠΌΠΈΡ€ Π’Π»Π°Π΄ΠΈΠΌΠΈΡ€ΠΎΠ²ΠΈΡ‡ ΠŸΡƒΡ‚ΠΈΠ½).

On June 24 2022 at 4:30 PM EST, Saola Everest from her Florida house announced via a tweet stating that The Everest Foundation will do everything in its power to help women seeking a safe abortion in republican lead states by helping them pay for transportation, hotels, food and much more along with protection by state prosecutors.

In a statement given to Global New National, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Saola Everest said β€œAs a women I feel attacked that these unelected old h@g$ with saggy t!t$ and small cøčks can control what I do with my body and that religion shouldn’t be the reason why people do things like this. It’s like saying that all people who follow islam are terrorist twats that should be imprisoned, but they aren’t fuckin terrorists they are people just like you and I, they can’t control what they are labeled by just like how women now can’t control what they can do to their body.” and a statement she said to Cable News Network (CNN) β€œThe supreme court is filled with a sh!t ton of red neck pedophiles who want to control what women do with their body by overturning Ro v Wav saying Oh we are protecting the child’s life. Well why not restrict gun laws so mass shootings at schools don’t take the lives of innocent children because they are children too aren’t they? Or are you only protecting the life of unborn children so you can replace the ones that get killed in these shootings?”

As of now Saola Everest is still within the United States but since she legally can’t be within the country and has quickly and quietly gone to Puerto Rico. Despite it being a United States territory that should be an independent country (my personal opinion) isn’t a state and Saola Everest is legally allowed to be within the islands boarders. But before Saola Everest left the mainland United States she had one last thing to say to CNN, β€œIf Clarence Thomas somehow successfully convinces the supreme court members to over turn the rights for gay-relationships and the rights for gay-marriage i will personally get my hands dirty to protect the rights of 2SLGBTQIA+ member rights and long with my rights as a bisexual and my girlfriends rights if she ever wants to go to the Divided States Of America, and Former President Trump and your sh!t stained republican friends, keep your musty crusty wrinkly hands off my rights and the rights of women and queer.”

(June 25, 2022)

On June 25 at 6:30 am Saola Everest held a press conference which was a continuation of what she had said yesterday and what is the future of The Everest Foundations Abortion Rights Movement. She first brought up how Oklahoma has already passed a bill banning abortion without the exception of rape or incest calling it β€œcomplete bullsh!t and the bitch that sadly runs that state should commit su!c!de with the dildo that she fu*ked the state with when she signed that bill.” After the statement, Saola Everest signed a deal with Planned Parenthood to support the organization to get women safe abortions, shortly after that Saola Everest granted the development of a hotel-like structure to allow women who need a place to stay after travelling hundreds of kilometres to stay and recover along with while they go through this process.

(June 28, 2022)

After no response for updates from The Everest Foundation we finally have one! Foundation leader Saola Everest has been found guilty of kidnapping, assault, and attempt of murder in the 3rd degree of her younger brother Brix Everest while their time in Futuba, Japan. Along with drug laundering, drug dealing, and drug smuggling. She was arrested on September 26 and extradited to Northwest Territories Territorial Prison located within the arctic circle. An attempt to release Saola Everest on bail but unfortunately her assets have been frozen and then transferred into the custody of the other Everest Family members. She was then extradited to a Norwegian prison and then again to a Finnish prison to serve her 2 monthly pored deal inside one of Finland’s open prisons. Her brother, Sister and Uncle wish to please be respected as they go through this tuff time and wish for their privacy to be taken seriously.

(October 10, 2022)

On November 1, 2022 Saola Everest was released into the custody of her uncle Aranck Everest in Qaanaaq, Greenland after a deal with the Finnish government for her to be flown half way between Surrey, BC, Canada and Utsjoki, Finland. After the release of Saola Everest her goal to regain everything taken from her happened. Almost. She might have gotten back the foundation but sadly it her pets. Flint the raccoon and Dada the dolphin who currently reside in Japan are still under the title of β€œOwned by the Everest Family” which she is attempting to change. Moments after her return to Canada, Saola Everest, against her advisors held a press conference. In the conference she stated to why she was in prison, her goals for the foundations from this point onwards and future plans.

Her new goals for the Everest Foundation are as followed:

To serve the world and to get rid of wrong and right.

To protect the rights of women

To protect the rights of members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community

To protect the rights of children

To protect the rights of those who are seeking asylum

To honor the right to food

To help the homeless

A few other goal's Saola Everest announced was the construction of 12 new facility/offices within Palestine (Gaza Strip and West Bank) (2) to help with the move for official independence from the State Of Israel, the Republic Of Somaliland (1) to help with the move for official independence from the Republic Of Somalia, the People's Republic Of China (4) and its protest against the governments ZERO-COVID policies, the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (2) to help with the move for official independence from the Kingdom of Morocco, the Republic of Mahabad/Kurdistan (2) to help gain Independence and become a official country recognized by the United Nation, and The DPRK (1) to help those escape the republic to South Korea.

Other news on the main mission of the Everest Foundation is to help the women, children, protesters and people of the Islamic Republic Of Iran to gain freedom from the current oppressive government which has killed 451 protesters, 60 security forces since the start of the unrest and more then 18,000 people have been detained.

(December 15, 2022)

March 13, 2023 according to social media mainly from the official twitter account of the Everest Foundation and CEO Saola Everest she has publicly stated that herself and many climate and environmental activists have arrived at the location of the now official site of the Willow Project which was just approved by President Joe Biden on March 12, 2023. Saola and around 134 protesters now stand at the main entrance to the compound along with many Native American protesters as the project takes place on Native American land. Saola isn't just the only member of her family to be at this event but also her uncle Aranck Everest, a Inuit Native American climate and human rights activist.

He said to the crowd

Β Β β€œThis planet is the only one we have, this project is going to release 287 million tons of carbon emissions plus other greenhouse gases over the next 30 years! We must save earth not just for us but for our children so they can raise a family in a world that we saved, and instead we are giving them jack shit. A destroyed earth with no clean air, water, food and a polluted future. We will fight for our right to a better tomorrow while we still have a chance!”

Giving the megaphone to Saola she then stated that

Β Β β€œThe elite of this world don't care for you, all they care about is the money pouring into their wallets! If they could they would kill us all and say it was an accident and get away scott free! Our planet already is showing and telling us that we need to stop, plants and animals are dying, our air and water is polluted. And by who? The government leaders who state that they will do everything to combat climate change! Well Joseph Robinette Biden! What the fuck is this shit?! What happened to your promise?”

Now on March 14, many protesters have been arrested and Fbi agents have been ordered to arrest Saola Everest due to the fact she had illegally snuck into the country despite being banned from the United States. So far they have been unlucky with this.

Later in the day she posted on the Everest Foundation Twitter page a video with herself and Flint, her pet raccoon. In the video shot outside whitehouse gates Saola Everest said;

Β Β β€œIm outside the house of Joe Biden, a person who said in his presidential campaign that he would help protect the climate and environment but on March 12, 2023 he signed an order to allow the ConocoPhillips company to begin drilling for up to 600 million barrels of oil from the Alaskan landscape, only problem is that not is this going against joe Biden's promise to protect the earth but also the fact that no permission was given to drill for oil on the land of the following Indigenous communities land: Nuiqsut, UtqiaΔ‘vik, Anaktuvuk Pass, Atqasuk, Point Lay and Wainwright. These communities have been devastated by this and the effect that the pollution could have on them is horrific! Mr President, if you lived in one of these communities or were from one you would instantly veto this project but instead you have no thought about it and only care about money! How do you think that animals will survive those conditions with all the CO2 you are allowing into the air we breathe?”

She looked down at Flint and whispered something before looking at the camera with a blank face while her raccoon did what we call the middle finger before she continued.

Β Β β€œOh and before you send the FBI here, I recorded this video before I went to Alaska to protest the project, all you will find is a barrel of oil spilling onto the white house lawn with dead animals around it. Now I must get back to protesting this while I can still have fun before my arrest, if that even could happen.” She laughed before getting cut off by the video ending.

Moments later Saola was seen facing off State patrol officers at the front lines of the protest before slapping one to the ground. She ran off and disappeared into the crowd.

March 14, 2023 a new video was posted on the Everest Foundation twitter page but this time showcasing her uncle Aranck Everest and her brother Brix Everest. In the video they both take turns talking first Aranck;

Β Β β€œUs humans caused climate change in the first place but we have the power to stop it. We can reverse the effects of this by reducing oil use and using electricity more often, invest in electric vehicles and make sure to not use single plastic and to use reusable items.”

Following that Brix Everest said;

Β Β β€œWith the doomsday clock being moved to 90 seconds to midnight due to the Ukrainian-Russian war, the end of humanity and the earth as we know it is close. With the Willow project being approved the doomsday clock could- No it would be moved from 90 seconds to midnight closer to 60, 30 or even 10 seconds to midnight.

Do you want your kids growing up in basically a post apocalyptic world? Where they have to go outside wearing a gas mask or an oxygen tank? Do you want your kids to tell their kids stories about what it was like to go outside and play? Or do you want them to experience that for itself? What about them going to the park? Do you want them to just hear stories about it? Or do it for themselves?

Stand up and go look at a forest, do you want your grandkids to grow up seeing them in pictures and being told that they all burned down due to climate change? Or take them to one for a walk, picnic or camping trip? Wake the fuck up and realise that you definitely will not live through the drastic effects of climate change but you kids and their kids will. And your grandkids ask your kids why you guys were so selfish. Your kids will have to explain to them.”

Aranck then spoke;

β€œWe have the power to change, but we don't. As my nephew said, β€˜Wake up’. ”

Back at the protest, many news organizations have appeared such as CNN, FoxNews, Global TV, Vice, AJ+ and many more all covering the protests with their own opinions on whether it's a protest for good or a protest for bad. As new reporters report on the situation Saola Everest begins her latest speech

Β Β β€œAs more and more people hear us I have something to say about how greenhouse gases and CO2 can affect us, humans. First rising heat. As CO2 and greenhouse gases become more and more common they trap heat from escaping the earth causing our sea levels to rise due to the melting ice from the arctic and Antarctica. Now you may say that nothing has happened yet but you are so wrong.Β 

Take a look at the small island nation of Tuvalu, Tuvalu is located midway between Hawaii and Australia and the country has been sinking due to rising sea levels causing it to slowly vanish below the sea. The country is home to twelve thousand people and they have to keep moving their homes inland since the water is rising to the point where its own government office is 3 feet underwater. These people will be the first affected by the willow project and if we don't stop they won't have a place to call home any longer!”

Saola stepped down before vanishing once more

As the day goes on more and more protesters/activists show up bringing the count from 134 to well over two thousand people with already over 163 arrests having been made while Saola Everest is put at the top of the US most wanted list along with her uncle and brother being placed on the blacklist/no-fly list to the United States for the next 5 years.

As protests continue and more and more people show up President Joe Biden addresses public concern saying

β€œAs many of you know, the events taking place in Alaska at the site of the Willow Project are quite something and we hear you. But anyone participating in these protests who are restricting access to the compound will be charged and arrested on sight along with that I will be deploying the national guard to arrest the war criminal known as Saola Everest who will face justice.”

After this speech by the President Twitter and Instagram pages, both lost over two million followers. Moments later Saola Everest updated her Twitter bio with a quote from the President: β€œThe war criminal known as Saola Everest”

Later in the day around 5:39 pm, AKDT multiple explosions happened within the compound with the biggest one releasing a fireball hundreds of feet into the air. This explosion was later found to be the main onsite offices of ConocoPhillips.

Chairman and CEO of ConocoPhillips Ryan Lance have release his opinions on what has happened:

Β Β β€œHello everyone, I understand why you are mad and so would I if I was you. But we here at ConocoPhillips are leading in making sure that we protect the environment. We strive to make sure that once finished we can return the land just the way it was in the first place, but we are unable to do so if you continue to block our crew and should I say blow up our offices.”

[The following events have been removed due to court order]


As of 12:10 AM PST/PDT, the Everest Foundation's press revealed some of the newest information since March 12, 2023. A meeting between the board members have had a disscusion on Enviormental and Animalia protection was brought to the table by board member Brix Everest, the following transcript and documents have been supplied to us by Brix Everest himself with word-to-word text, contractual documents and other information within the file which can be found here. (Click Here)

The meeting concluded with a passing vote of 4/5 board members with Kiara Everest being absent from the meeting due to her current whereabouts being unknown to the family with only Brix Everest having a ruff idea of her location, he was last informed by Kiara herself that she is currently travelling Euro-Africa area.

This is all the information that we have at this moment on the current information from the Everest Foundation, along with Kiara Everest's whereabouts.

The following entry was researched, edited and posted by Saola Everest in her trip to the Gaza Strip, and reviewed by Brix Everest, Flint, and Aranck Everest, with interview sections done by lead Everest Foundation Journalist Yusef Umar.

October 7th, 2023, Hamas forces attacked the war criminal state known as the 'State of Israel' and entered supposedly 'Israeli territory'. As seconds ticked Hamas bombed and drones attacked Israeli ground towers along the border with the Gaza Strip and Hamas parachuters begin their invasion of israel, not long after Hamas ground fighters began to break down the border fence seperating the Gaza Strip and supposed 'Israeli territory' and began their ground invasion of the 'State of Israel'. Once inside the group containing 2,500 Palestinian's began to massacer civilians in neighbouring Israeli communities killing atleast 1,139 people (36 Children, 695 Israeli Civilians, 71 forgiens and 373 security forces). Hostages were taken by Hamas back to Gaza before so called president of the 'State of Israel' declared war on Hamas, or was it just a ruse to in reality declare war on the Palestianian people in the Gaza Strip? All 2.3 million people, with half the population being children in this 265km^2 (141sq miles) bit of land.

"The State of Israel is a illegitiment state, that stole land from the Palestinian people, and now commiting a genocide on them, butting of power, food, water. Closing its border to everything entering Gaza and leaving aswell (this includes the Rafah Crossing, a border crossing involiving Egypt and The Gaza Strip), and bombing civillian structures such as homes and one of the lasr Hospitals in Gaza City."

That was just one of the many things Everest Foundation CEO, Saola Everest had to say on the matter, along with on the ground interview's with Gazan's, Hamas member's and Israeli and other hostages as the world see's the oppressed fight back against their oppessor, and how world leaders act towards the situation ignoring their own citizens opinions on the matter. But first how did we get to this current situation? and why is this happening? The Nakba which happened in 1948 and was the violent displacement and dispossession of Palestinians, along with the destruction of their society, culture, identity, political rights, and national aspirations which had 750,000 plus Palestinians forced out of their homes, communities and land to replace it with the Zionist State of Israel, a country build on apartied, War Crimes, Genocide and illegal settalments.

"Shut your mouth. Not only am I older than you, I am older than your state!" - A Palestinian Grandma towards a an IDF Soilder in East Jeruslem.Β 

Earlier today bits of paper where dropped from the sky, informing Gazans to leave the North and Gaza City towards the south. In already the world’s most dense 1.1 Million people only have 24 Hours to evacuate, a number and timeframe that the United Nations has deemed impossible. For now we only hope that everyone can make it out of the Gaza Strip, with the only operational cross at the southern border with Egypt.

[!] The following entry would be in the form of a video [!]

[!] Aranck Everest would be standing in the Gaza strip, wearing a blue vest and helmet with the words 'PRESS' on it. The gear would have blood stains on it. [!]

I'm here, on March 6, 2024, standing in the city of Rafah, next to the Rafah crossing with Egypt. Throughout the time I have been in Gaza I have seen the most violent things no person should see, children being murdered. The elderly being shot at point blank range, mothers and their children being separated, and fathers carrying bags of what is left of their children. The death toll now reaching over 30,000. 2.3 million Gazan Palestinians now crammed within a 64 square kiliometre area and with just recently more deaths occurring. During a UN sanctioned aid convoy hundreds of Gazan's surround the aid trucks here to bring them their basic human rights, food, water, medical aid. But IDF soldiers from the terrorist state of Israel said, "No, these innocent Palestinian's aren't innocent, they are Hamas!" and gun downed them, shooting at every moving soul, causing these poor people to be not just trampled by each other, but by the aid trucks attempting to save them. With later the IDF saying that they did not in fact shot at anyone, but instead it was the aid trucks that ran over the bodies. sure lets say that, only problem is that these trucks would have to be at least 10 metres wide to. But hey! Why would a military that has already been caught in many different lies, lie again? Because the ca-.

[!] A large bang would be heard in the background with dust and screaming seen and heard. The sound seemed to only have been atleast 80 feet away from Aranck. He would show a clearly worried look on his face, looking behind the camera at what has to be his camera crew. The audio still hasnt come back but clearly he would be communicating with his team on what next to do. Moments later the audio would come back online. [!]

Should we move Aranck? For your and our safety?
No. I am not leaving, you guys are fully able to, don't worry about me. I need to show what is truly happening here to these poor people.

[!] He would look back at the camera [!]

Before the aid convoy arriving, more leaflets were dropped onto the people of Gaza, specifically in Rafah. the southern most point of the Gaza strip. These leaflets informed them to continue moving further south to avoid the conflict area's. Only problem is that they are as far south as the legally can go before entering Egypt. What next? Another nakba? Will the 2.3 Million Gazan's be forcfull moved out of their homes again? And be forced to leave their homeland, their history, their country? Egypt is already preparing for this situation setting up a buffer zone on their side of the Rafah crossing. If worse comes to worse, willΒ  these Palestinians ever be allowed to go back to the homes the currently have? Or will we see the illegal Israeli state expand, and make more settlements on stolen land? I-
[!] The screen would cut out before a new transmission would take place, it would be a still image of the Israeli flag with the text reading: "If you are seeing this, the Israeli government has cut transmission of this terrorist propaganda, the Everest Foundation is apart of Hamas. Those who are affiliated with The Everest Foundation will face charges in the state of Israel."

To Be Continued...