
“If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day.

If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”

Educational Philosophy

Students learn best through teachers who care not only for their academic growth, but who also take into account their individual needs, and who can provide a safe space for them. There are currently eight learning styles, as described by Howard Gardner in his book, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Each student learns differently but they can all learn effectively if the teachers understand each child’s learning style. When teachers demonstrate care for their students and give them the opportunity to view the classroom as a safe space in which to learn, it encourages students to explore, participate, and ask questions knowing they will receive a respectable response. So, if teachers entered the classroom with the intent of understanding each student’s effective learning style, it would significantly help students to learn and understand the material and motivate them through subjects or curriculums that are more challenging. Through the fieldwork and observations, I have recognized the various technological resources available for effective pedagogy in elementary school classrooms. In order to enhance teaching and enable active learning, incorporating computer technology in the classrooms is a necessity.


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