
Weight Balance of EV3 Robot

As you work through your season it is important not to lose perspective of the weigth distribution of your robot. As you work through your season you will add attachments, sensors, and more. While this is part of the journey it is important that you keep in mind where the weight is being added.

Have you ever started with a great robot that moves straight, but a month or two later it begins to veer to one side or the other?

Let's look into this issue.

Ask yourself

1. Is your robot well balanced(test down below)?

2. Where is the center of gravity for your robot?

Unbalanced Weight

If weight is more on one side...

  • Robot can veer in weighted side direction
  • Tires can skid or lose traction on less weighted side
  • grind your axles

Placement of EV3 Brick

  • If placed too high up it could make robot top heavy.
  • If placed too far forward or backward on robot it could make it imbalanced

Weight on Wheels

  • If weight is too much on non drive wheels
    • turning becomes unstable and hard to do
    • Develops friction which can wear on axles and wheels
  • If weight is not enough on non drive wheels
    • front end could rise up
    • innacuracies in steering and motor control

Weight of Robot

  • If robot is too heavy
    • Batteries wear out faster
    • tires can run into issues
    • axles bend
      • do you keep robot off wheels when storing?