Virtual lab tours schedule

Microscopy - Room S2.14

09:00-9:40 Yuyao Xiao/Qi Hu - University of Oxford - DM and LC-SLM integrated two-photon third-harmonic-generation microscope
09:40-10:20 Mohan Wang - University of Oxford - AO correction in femtosecond laser writing
10:20-11:00 Yuyao Xiao - University of Oxford - Segmented kilo-DM for phase correction in two-photon microscope imaging

Astronomy - Room S2.16

09:00-9:40 Paul Roquette - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille - Laser Guide Star Wavefront Sensing for the HARMONI AO instrument for the Extremely Large Telescope
09:40-10:20 Alexis Carlotti - IPAG - Wavefront sensing for High Contrast AO
10:20-11:00 Nazim Bharmal - Durham University - Wavefront Sensing using non-focused laser guide stars

Vision - Room S2.18

09:00-9:40 Pierre Senée - ONERA/Institut Langevin - High-contrast and high-speed multimodal retinal imaging assisted by AO
09:40-10:20 Elisabeth Brunner - Medical University of Vienna - AO OCT with pyramid wavefront sensor
10:20-11:00 Wolf Harmening - University of Bonn - AO-SLO for psychophysics


Programme over the week