2024 Workshop

Operads in deformation theory and homotopical algebra with Geoffroy Horel and Bruno Vallette

July 29 - August 2, 2024

Schleiden, Germany

Funded by: Higher invariants and the Young Researcher Networking Program.


The sixth European Talbot workshop will take place in Germany during the summer of 2024. The goal is to bring together a group of 30-35 graduate students and post-docs to work on a focused topic under the guidance of two senior mentors.

Most of the talks will be given by the participants, with enough free time in the afternoon and evenings for further discussions and interaction. The character of the workshop is expository in nature, starting with the basic ideas and leading to a survey of the most recent developments in the field. Since all participants are staying together at a group house, jointly responsible for cooking and cleaning, we hope to create an informal and inspiring atmosphere.


The notion of an operad, which originates in homotopy theory with the recognition principle of loop spaces, nowadays plays a ubiquitous role in algebra, geometry, and topology. The algebraic calculus of operads developed over the past three decades provides us with seminal tools to manage and organise rich algebraic structures, such as algebras up to homotopy. The purpose of this workshop will be, first, to cover the main methods of this new operadic calculus, and then to study its most recent and striking application in deformation theory and homotopical algebra.

We plan to cover the following content:


To apply, please fill in this form before March 1, 2024.


The local expenses for all participants will be covered by the workshop, in particular costs for accommodation and meals. Additional funds covering travel expenses might become available, however, we strongly encourage participants to look for funding themselves.


For questions or suggestions, please send an email to the organisers at organisers@europeantalbot.org.

This workshop is organised by Luciana Basualdo Bonatto, Daniel Bermudez, Alice Hedenlund, Hyeonhee Jin, Yuqing Shi, and Filippos Sytilidis, with coordinator (SFB contact) Claudia Scheimbauer. We gratefully acknowledge funding and support from SFB 1085HCM and BIGS via the Young Researcher Networking Program.