Summer school program & schedule

PROGRAM & Schedule

Below you can find the definitive schedule and the list of the sessions and lecturers that will take part in this year's Summer School. You can download it by clicking on it. 

The lectures and presentations will take place in Room 30 at Tomàs i Valiente Building.

Schedule Summer School EUROLOC 2024.pdf

Opening session, LECTURES & round tables

Prof. Hubert Heinelt, Darmstadt University


Prof. Cristina Stanus, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

Prof. Valeria Fedeli, Politecnico di Milano

Prof. António Tavares, University of Minho

Prof. Marta Lackowska, University of Warsaw 

Prof. Carmen Navarro, Autonomous University of Madrid

Prof. Filipe Teles, University of Aveiro, EURA

A. Heichlinger, Local Government Consultant

  Moderated by R. Forero (UN-Habitat)

Prof. Mariona Tomàs, University de Barcelona

Prof. Esther Pano, Fundació Pi i Sunyer of Regional and Local Studies

Students papers & presentations

How will students presentation work? 

Each student will have a total amount of 35 minutes to present and discuss their paper:

10'-15' for the presentation; 10' comment from a senior discussant; 10' for an open floor discussion led by a junior discussant. 

Below you can check the time slots, the senior discussant and the junior discussiant for each presentation. You can download the schedule by clicking on it.  

Students presentation.pdf

Upload your presentation

Please upload your presentation slides using the following link to a shared folder.

Use the following format to name the file: FirstnameLastname_Titleofthepresentation

Please upload your presentation slides using the following link to a shared folder.

Use the following format to name the file: FirstnameLastname_Titleofthepresentation