July 2nd - 5th 2024

euroloc Summer School local government & politics 2024

BEYOND BOUNDARIES: Old and new challenges on local government

To be held at the Faculty of Law

Universitat de Barcelona


The Standing Group on Local Government and Politics (ECPR) and the European Urban Research Association (EURA) are happy to endorse this year’s Summer School, organized and hosted by the Research Group of Local Government at the University of Barcelona. 

The 2024 summer school, following a one-year hiatus without the opportunity to meet, aims to offer an open platform for PhD students with diverse subfields and methodological approaches to engage in discussions about their projects with both peers and experienced scholars. The Summer School will feature inspiring lectures from members of the local government studies community, offering forward-looking perspectives on our field of study. Discussion sessions will allow PhD candidates to present and discuss their work, with selected discussants from various fields and their peers providing valuable input to enrich each other's work. 

From both territorial and conceptual dimensions, discussions about boundaries have long been a central debate in the field of Local Government. The presence of small rural units, fragmented maps, and the metropolitan continuums, along with various possible arrangements for addressing these realities, has sparked intense debates. Simultaneously, the emergence of new areas of research and interest, ranging from AI to climate change, represents a significant shift from traditional areas of analysis in local studies. 

The SPeakers

Prof. Hubert Heinelt

Darmstadt University

Prof. Mariona Tomàs

University of Barcelona

Prof. Filipe Teles

University of Aveiro

Prof. Carmen Navarro 

Autonomous University of Madrid

Prof. Esther Pano 

Fundació Pi i Sunyer of Regional and Local Studies

Prof. Cristina Stanus 

Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

Prof. Marta Lackowska

University of Warsaw

Prof. António Tavares

University of Minho

Prof. Valeria Fedeli 

Politecnico di Milano

Alexander Heichlinger

LG consultant

Rafael Forero



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