The European Union - Regional Economics Applications Laboratory (EU-REAL) is a research net in regional science integrated by European people tied to the Regional Economics Applications Laboratory (REAL) in the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA. Like REAL, the EU-REAL focuses on the development and use of analytical models for urban and regional forecasting and economic development.

Next SEminar:

Florence, Italy, June 22-23, 2023

Hosted by IRPET Regional Institute for Economic Planning of Tuscany (Italy) under the patronage of the Italian Association of Regional Sciences (A.I.S.Re), the Italian section of the Regional Science Association International.


Recent working papers:

Economic Crisis and Youth Unemployment in Europe: the Role of Regional Specialization Through a Spatial Quantile Approach  

André Carrascal Incera and Diana Gutiérrez Posada 

Abstract: European youth unemployment exhibits a contrasting image between the Northern and the Southern regions, which leads the analysis towards the drivers behind the spatial clustering of areas with low or high unemployment rates. The aim of this article is to provide some hints about the structural causes of the spatial distribution of youth unemployment growth during the recent crisis, using a Spatial Quantile approach at NUTS2 level. Results suggest that the similarity in the productive structure, the specialization in sectors with a higher concentration of young workers, or the working time flexibility had a different effect in those regions at the top or the bottom of the youth unemployment growth distribution, being this effect significantly different from the result of the global spatial estimation.   


The Impact of High-Speed Railway on Urban Growth: A Multi-Scale Spatiotemporal Approach 

Haozhi Pan, Peng Chen, Sandy Dall'erba and Yina Zhang 

Abstract: The literature offers conflicting evidence on the impact of high-speed railway (HSR) operations on urban growth. This paper argues that the source of the differences lies in the variety of spatial scales under study. In order to address this conundrum, this paper studies the impact on urban growth of the start-of-operation of two HSR lines built in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Based on a high spatial and temporal granularity dataset and a non-parametric spatiotemporal model, the findings suggest that HSR operations have a significant positive impact locally (<5 km) but not at the county level. In addition, this paper finds that the local spillovers of urban growth decay drastically 3 to 6 months after the beginning of the operations. The findings support the development of economic activities linked to passenger transportation at or near the train stations.    


The Effects of Oil Price on Regional Trade in the United States 

Wojciech W. Szewerniak, Yilan Xu and Sandy Dall'erba 

Abstract: This paper studies the effect of the diesel price on trade flows across space within the United States. Using a structural gravity model with spatially autocorrelated flows applied to the inter-state trade, we find that an increase in diesel price reduces the volume of trade and that this effect increases with the distance between trade partners. Furthermore, such price shock increases trade within a state and with nearby partners. Finally, the social welfare effects of a 10% increase in diesel price vary by states, with the median corresponding to a 0.69% loss in the real GDP or $82 billion nationwide.  


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