
[J]: Journal [C]: Conference [P]: Preprints
*co-first authors   **co-corresponding authors

[J6] S. Han, J. Y. You, M. Eom, S. Ahn, E.-S. Cho, Y.-G. Yoon, From Pixels to Information: Artificial Intelligence in Fluorescence Microscopy, Advanced Photonics Research, 2024. 

[Publisher Link]

[C4] M. Eom*, S. Han*, P. Park*, G. Kim, E.-S. Cho, J. Sim, K.-H. Lee, S. Kim, H. Tian, U. L. Böhm, E. Lowet, H. Tseng, J. Choi, S. E. Lucia, S. H. Ryu, M. Rózsa, S. Chang, P. Kim, X. Han, K. D. Piatkevich, M. Choi, C.-H. Kim, A. E. Cohen, J.-B. Chang, Y.-G. Yoon, Statistically unbiased prediction enables accurate denoising of voltage imaging data, Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2023. 

[Abstract Link]

[J5] M. Eom*, S. Han*, P. Park*, G. Kim, E.-S. Cho, J. Sim, K.-H. Lee, S. Kim, H. Tian, U. L. Böhm, E. Lowet, H. Tseng, J. Choi, S. E. Lucia, S. H. Ryu, M. Rózsa, S. Chang, P. Kim, X. Han, K. D. Piatkevich, M. Choi, C.-H. Kim, A. E. Cohen, J.-B. Chang, Y.-G. Yoon, Statistically unbiased prediction enables accurate denoising of voltage imaging data, Nature Methods, 2023. (selected as the cover of Oct. 2023 issue)

[Publisher Link] [bioRxiv Link] [Github Link]

[J4] E.-S. Cho, S. Han, G. Kim, M. Eom, K.-H. Lee, C.-H. Kim, Y.-G. Yoon, In vivo whole-brain imaging of zebrafish larvae using three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy, Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), 2023.

[Publisher Link] [Video Protocol] [Github Link]

[C3] J. Cho*, S. Han*, E.-S. Cho, K. Shin, Y.-G. Yoon, Robust and Efficient Alignment of Calcium Imaging Data through Simultaneous Low Rank and Sparse Decomposition, IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2023.

[Publisher Link] [Github Link]

[J3] C. Shin*, H. Ryu*, E.-S. Cho, S. Han, K.-H. Lee, C.-H. Kim, Y.-G. Yoon, Three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy through virtual refocusing using a recursive light propagation network, Medical Image Analysis, 2022. 

[Publisher Link] [Github Link]

[P1] J. Sim*, C. E. Park*, I. Cho*, K. Min, M. Eom, S. Han, H. Jeon, H.-J. Cho, E.-S. Cho, A. Kumar, Y. Chong, J. S. Kang, K. D. Piatkevich, E. E. Jung, D.-S. Kang, S.-K. Kwon, J. Kim, K.-J. Yoon, J.-S. Lee, E. S. Boyden, Y.-G. Yoon**, J.-B. Chang**, Nanoscale resolution imaging of the whole mouse embryos and larval zebrafish using expansion microscopy, bioRxiv, 2022. 

[Publisher Link] [bioRxiv Link]

[J2] E.-S. Cho*, S. Han*, K.-H. Lee, C.-H. Kim, Y.-G. Yoon, 3DM: Deep decomposition and deconvolution microscopy for rapid neural activity imaging, Optics Express, 2021. (highlighted as Editors' Pick, featured as Image of the Week on the main webpage of Optica publishing group)

[Publisher Link] [Github Link]

[C2] S. Han, E.-S. Cho, I. Park, K. Shin, Y.-G. Yoon. Efficient Neural Network Approximation of Robust PCA for Automated Analysis of Calcium Imaging Data, International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2021.

[Publisher Link] [arXiv Link] [Github Link]

[C1] C. Shin*, H. Ryu*, E.-S. Cho, Y.-G. Yoon. RLP-Net: A Recursive Light Propagation Network for 3-D Virtual Refocusing, International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2021. (selected for MICCAI Young Scientist Award, MICCAI Student Travel Award, and oral presentation

[Publisher Link] [Github Link]

[J1] S. J. Ahn, M. Park, S. Bang, E. Cho, S. G. Ahn, S. H. Suh, J.-M. Lee, Apparent diffusion coefficient histogram in breast cancer brain metastases may predict their biological subtype and progression, Scientific Reports, 2018.

[Publisher Link]