Honors & Awards
The Best Research Student, Awarded by the Department of Applied Data Science, SKKU
김소담, 데이터사이언스학과 우수논문상
Great Teacher, Awarded in One of the 2023 Best Teaching Faculty Members in SKKU
성균관대학교 교육영역 묘품(神品) 교수
Great Researcher, Awarded in One of the 2023 Great Research Faculty Members in SKKU
성균관대학교 연구영역 묘품(妙品) 교수
Great Researcher, Awarded in One of the 2022 Great Research Faculty Members in SKKU (Eunil Park)
성균관대학교 연구영역 묘품(妙品) 교수
Encouragement Prize, Awarded by KISA
장려상(조민화, 박선영, 차준엽, 오희주, 김동재), 블록체인 난제해결 챌린지, 한국정보기술학회
The Best Paper Prize, Awarded in the 2023 Annual Conference of the Korean Institute of Information Technology
학술대회 우수논문상, 한국정보기술학회
The Best Research Student, Awarded by the College of Computing, SKKU
유혜림, 소프트웨어융합대학 우수연구 우수상
Excellent Researcher, Awarded in One of the 2022 Excellent Research Faculty Members in SKKU
성균관대학교 연구영역 묘품(妙品) 교수
Great Teacher, Awarded in One of the 2021 Best Teaching Faculty Members in SKKU
성균관대학교 교육영역 신품(神品) 교수
Great Researcher, Awarded in One of the 2021 Best Research Faculty Members in SKKU
성균관대학교 연구영역 신품(神品) 교수
The Best Paper Prize, Awarded in the Annual Conference of the Korean Nuclear Society
학회지 우수논문상, 한국원자력학회
The Second Rank, Awarded in Fake-EmoReact 2021 (SocialNLP + NAACL '21)
Great Researcher, Awarded in One of the 2020 Best Research Faculty Members in SKKU (Eunil Park)
성균관대학교 연구영역 신품(神品) 교수
The Best Award, (2nd / Student, Jina Kim), Awarded in the High-Potential Individuals Global Training Program
The Excellent Research Achievement Awards from the Ministry of Education, Awarded as one of the best achievements by the research programs of the Ministry of Education in Korea
2020 교육부 학술연구지원사업 우수성과, 부총리상
The IITP Best Evaluation Committee, Awarded in one of the Best Evaluation Committee Members in IITP
2020년도 IITP 우수 평가위원
Great Researcher, Awarded as one of the 2019 Best Research Faculty Members in SKKU (Eunil Park)
성균관대학교 연구영역 신품(神品) 교수
The Best Research Prize, Awarded in the 2018 Annual Conference of the Korean Corporation Management Association
벽소 우수학술상, 2018 추계학술대회, 한국기업경영학회
This Year's Young Researcher, NRF-Elsevier Young Researcher Award 2017 in the field of Social Science (Interdisciplinary Studies)
세계적 수준의 신진 연구자상 2017, 한국연구재단-Elsevier
Winner, 2017 Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence (Journal: Program), Outstanding Papers
The Grand Prize, Awarded in the 2017 Annual Conference of the Knowledge Management Society of Korea
최우수논문상, 2017 춘계학술대회, 한국지식경영학회
ILUN Science & Technology Foundation Scholarship, Scholarship for graduate study (2014-2016)
제 9기 일운과학기술재단 장학생
The Excellence Award, Awarded the 2014 ISTANS Research Article Competition,
우수상, 2014 ISTANS 논문경진대회, 산업연구원
The Excellence Award, Awarded the 8th Research Article Competition for Growing Market Economy from the Market Economy Research Institute,
우수상 (KB금융그룹 회장상), 제 8회 시장경제발전을 위한 연구논문 및 아이디어공모전, 시장경제연구원,
The Activity Award, Awarded the 4th E*5 KAIST,
LINSU Scholarship, The 8th Scholarship for graduate study from LINSU Scholarship Foundation,
제 8회 인수장학회 장학생
The Grand Prize, Awarded the 2013 Social Enterprise Article Competition from KDB Daewoo Securities & the Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency,
대상, 2013년 전국 대학(원)생 사회적기업 논문경진대회, KDB 대우증권 & 한국사회적기업진흥원
A Winning Assay (Accepted), Awarded the 2013 Science and Technology Policy Idea Contest from The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST),
입선, 2013년 제 3회 대학(원)생 과학기술정책아이디어 공모전, 한국과학기술단체총연합회
Visiting Program of Interaction Science, Scholarship for visiting program from the National Research Foundation of Korea
Medallion for Excellence, 3rd SKKU Undergraduate Competition from SKKU
SKKU Merit Scholarship, Scholarship for Student Representative of Department from SKKU