"The beauty in science and associated discoveries is that it knows no color, tongue or social status. Science is a place for all to explore and expand."

A brief introduction

Eugene Marfo Obeng is a Ghanaian-born research fellow at the Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School. He is a first-generation scholar, holding a PhD in Biochemistry, an MSc in Biotechnology and a BSc in Chemical Engineering from Monash University (Australia), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (Malaysia) and the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Ghana), respectively.

Eugene is an internationally-exposed young research scientist with diverse training from Ghana, Malaysia, Germany and Australia. He has over the years conducted research at the interface of engineering and biology, and aspires to be a research academic in translational nanomedicine engineering and chemical biology. For this reason, he has painstakingly developed the capability to independently conduct, present and publish high-quality scientific reviews and research articles over the years to position himself well for his aspired profession.

Eugene is a passionate teacher and a mentor to many young African students in STEM. His role model is Professor Robert S. Langer of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who is currently the most-cited engineer in history.

Outside academic life, Eugene is a fine athlete and footballer, and would probably have been a professional footballer if not for his parent's prohibition. All the same, he enjoys playing acoustic guitar and embarking on occasional hikes and coastal walks.

PhD milestones

Monash Postgraduates Publication Award (PPA)

PhD project defense DONE !!

Light microscopy Australia Award!

Master's degree graduation day

Receiving my master's certificate, UMS.

Receiving my master's certificate, UMS.

When my actual family were far and away, Uncle Daniel- a cool Nigerian I met- showed up in full support!

Bachelor's degree graduation day

Mom and I !!

She is my unending strength.

At the graduation hall.

Mixed Feelings!

With my ever-reliable friends!