
What is the nature of the genetic material?

The genetic material is the name given to the organic matter that contains information and control over the traits that will be transmitted to the offspring. This is in charge of the development of the cells as well as setting guidelines for their correct functioning, this material is mainly constituted by DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) although it can also be formed by RNA (ribonucleic acid) in viruses. DNA is contained in the nucleus of the cell in the eukaryotic cells.

Who did discover it?

A large number of scientists contributed to the discovery of DNA, such as Frederick Griffith, who in 1920 made his breakthrough with his famous experiment on mice and bacteria, which will be explained with greater precision later.

Oswald Avery, director of a group of scientists 1940 tried to answer the questions that Frederick Griffith's experiment gave, which from its results and through trial and error until they managed to isolate the DNA. However this discovery was rejected for several years.

Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase, during 1950, scientists used different radioactive materials to identify DNA and proteins within viruses. This allowed them to find which molecules viruses insert into cells and DNA was the molecule which they managed to isolate. This confirmed that DNA is the genetic material.

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