Rules of netiquette in an eTwinning project

Dear all,

I would like to encourage all of you to take part in our new group task which aim is to work collaboratively in order to create an online code of conduct that could be followed by all students and teachers attending eTwinning projects. In this page I present my own example of rules of netiquette that could be applied to an online group. Please read the presentation and try to prepare on its basis your own set of netiquette rules that can be applied to a group attending an eTwinning project. You can share your ideas on a padlet wall available below (optional link: or make your own presentation in Prezi or PowerPoint that you can add to a subpage “Participants’ presentations”.

I would also like to encourage you to take part in a discussion in our forum referring to the topic: How to teach students to behave properly online and understand eSafety rules? I hope you will share your experience with other teachers concerning methods, tools and/or practical activities related to eSafety issues that could be implemented into classroom practice.

Please contribute to the Prezi discussion below:

Dear participants,

After making an analysis of your presentations from the subpage “Participants’ presentations” I prepared a publication including top netiquette rules that should be followed according to you when carrying out eTwinning projects.

Netiquette quiz for students