Skills Page

While there is a high degree of overlap between building electric and acoustic guitars, the skills required for assembling an acoustic kit are more specialized and tend to be more aligned with woodworking and mold making.

Five skills I picked up (new) or improved (honed) during the Acoustic Guitar Build Institute:

1. Scraper: Sharpening, burring, and using—Honed; Tim Wilhelm's Sharpening MLA, demonstrations, and usage

2. Using a gobar deck for gluing—New; Repeated demonstrations and usage

3. Routing edges and installing binding—New; demonstrations & activity

4. Routing a neck pocket on an existing body using a jig &/or fixture—New; demonstration and activity

5. Adjusting guitar necks and setting string height action—Honed; demonstrations and activity

FYI: I also achieved the coveted "Drive the bus" level—even though we had it easy (with the spread molds and all) ... so it was like the bus had power steering. #JustSayin'